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  1. Perlego PDF Downloader. Download books from in PDF format. Installation. Install Python 3 and run: $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt. Configuration. Please watch the demonstration video. You'll need to find the authToken, bookId and reCaptchaToken analyzing the browser/websocket traffic and replace the constants in Run!

  2. Perlego EBook Downloader. For personal use only. College students that have used Perlego before know that downloading EBooks for offline viewing is not easy. This repository contains scripts that help paying users download their EBooks without hassle.

  3. I checked the perlego downloader link and I don't believe it works anymore nor do I know how to use it and the ones that work only are available for Mac. Does anyone with windows know how to download it or can help me download it?

  4. A Chrome extension to automate content downloads. An active account is required. To install this extension in chrome please follow the steps indicated here. After finishing the script, a ".html" file is generated in which it is possible to print in PDF.

  5. This repository contains scripts that help paying users download their EBooks without hassle. For the most basic use case (Less than ~200 pages): Open Ebook in a browser (PDF and ePub supported). Go to the page you want to start printing. Open Chrome's developer console via the UI.

  6. Read on to find out how you can download books on the Perlego app. Updated over a week ago. Our mobile app, available for both IOS and Android, allows you to read with no internet connection - perfect for long commutes and while travelling. Make sure to download your books first and you’re all set.

  7. Sigue leyendo para descubrir cómo puedes descargar libros en la aplicación de Perlego. Nuestra aplicación móvil, disponible tanto para iOS como para Android, te permite leer sin conexión a Internet, así que es perfecta si tienes trayectos largos o estás viajando.