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  1. Split an image horizontally, vertically or both. You can choose the sizes and/or quantity of the images being generated.

  2. Partir imagen! Separar una imagen en imágenes mas pequeñas.

  3. Split or divide any file into smaller files (pieces), later you must join the generated pieces to reconstruct the original file using the tool Join files. Pieces generated using this tool cannot be used separately until they are joined again, recovering the original file.

  4. Our Image Splitter can cut your Image vertically, horizontally, or both. You can split by defined px or into equal-sized pieces.

    • Design
    • All Systems
  5. A free and easy-to-use tool to split images into multiple parts horizontally, vertically or both, perfect for creating collages, infographics, and more, with custom sizes, quantity and quality of the images being created. Drag or Select your image.