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  1. Balls disponibles en el juego. Coloreado. Sin embargo, la apariencia de las balls estándar es monótona. Podemos cambiarlo, es decir, coloreando la ball. Hay 2 NPCs para eso.

    • Mapa del Juego

      De Saltar a: navegación, buscar. Todo el...

  2. 20 de oct. de 2023 · 5.0. Daily login, Daily Task. Pokemons with type psychic, fairy and normal. Heals pokemons from stuns etc. If one of the pokemons described below is in the ball, then after revive it will have 75% hp instead of 50%.

    How To Obtain?
    What Can Be It Used On?
    Pokemons up to 120 lvl
    Great ball
    Pokemon up to 120 lvl
    Phantom ball
    Pokemons up to 120 lvl
    Safari ball
    On Safari: 2.0 Outside Safari: 1.0
    When you enter safari / national
    Pokemons up to 120 lvl
  3. También podrás craftear spring balls en el caso de que tengas acceso (comprándolo desde la premium shop) para lanzarlas a Vivillons salvajes (necesitarás 5x green apricorn, 5x pink apricorn, 3x portion of pollen y 150 HD para hacer 100 de ellas).

  4. Is there any list containing all (new) balls, like Premier Ball, Sports Ball etc. and what they do?

  5. Well, I agree with worth of ultra/super balls. If u want to catch rare poke you'll pay much cash for balls. But what low lvl has to do if he want make some money?