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  1. 5 de febrero: el nabab de Bengala, Siraj ud-Daulah, lidera un intento de recuperar Calcuta, en manos de los británicos. Con solo 1.900 soldados y marineros, pero con un poder artillero superior, el general Robert Clive obliga a la fuerza mucho mayor del nabab a retirarse.

  2. › wiki › 17571757 - Wikipedia

    February 23 – A revolt against the government of King Joseph I of Portugal takes place in the city of Oporto. After the riot's suppression, King Joao's minister, the Marquis of Pombal ( Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo ), orders a harsh punishment against the perpetrators.

  3. La batalla de Praga fue una batalla en la que se enfrentaron un ejército prusiano de 64.000 soldados y un ejército del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico de 61.000 soldados en el marco de la Guerra de los Siete Años. Se libró el 6 de mayo de 1757 y resultó victorioso el ejército prusiano al mando de Federico II de Prusia.

  4. The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company, under the leadership of Robert Clive, over the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies on 23 June 1757. Robert Clive was paid £1 million (equivalent to £33 million in 2023) by the Jagat Seth family - a rich Indian family business group - to defeat Siraj ...

    • 23 June 1757
    • British victory
  5. The Raid on Rochefort (or Descent on Rochefort) was a British amphibious attempt to capture the French Atlantic port of Rochefort in September 1757 during the Seven Years' War. The raid pioneered a new tactic of "descents" on the French coast, championed by William Pitt who had taken office a few months earlier.

    • September 1757
    • French victory
  6. 2 July – the Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne forms a new government. 26 July – Seven Years' War: Battle of Hastenbeck: An Anglo-Hanoverian army under the Duke of Cumberland is defeated by the French under Louis d'Estrées and forced out of Hanover.

  7. Temas, acontecimientos y noticias relacionados con el año 1757 . Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre el año 1757. Wikisource contiene obras originales sobre el año 1757.