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  1. Friedrich Wilhelm, Count of Brandenburg (24 January 1792 – 6 November 1850) was a morganatic son of King Frederick William II of Prussia and politician, who served as Minister President of Prussia from 1848 until his death during the reign of his nephew Frederick William IV.

  2. Friedrich Wilhelm, Conde de Brandeburgo (24 de enero de 1792 - 6 de noviembre de 1850) fue un hijo morganático del rey Federico Guillermo II y un político, quien sirvió como Ministro Presidente de Prusia desde 1848 hasta su muerte.

  3. Frederick William (German: Friedrich Wilhelm; 16 February 1620 – 29 April 1688) was Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, thus ruler of Brandenburg-Prussia, from 1640 until his death in 1688.

  4. Friedrich Wilhelm aus dem Haus Hohenzollern war seit 1640 Kurfürst von Brandenburg und Herzog in Preußen. Außenpolitisch legte er im Westfälischen Frieden 1648 den Grundstein für den Aufstieg Brandenburgs zur europäischen Großmacht und sicherte im Frieden von Oliva 1660 die Souveränität über Preußen. Sein Sieg über die Schweden in ...

  5. Friedrich Wilhelm, Count Brandenburg German general; son of Frederick William II of Prussia and Sophie von Dönhoff (1792-1850) Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Brandenburg

  6. Beginning with Elector Friedrich I (1372-1440), the first Hohenzollern ruler in Brandenburg, and in strictly chronological order, a bay would be set aside for every ruling member of the dynasty – even for the ones who were interred elsewhere.

  7. Frederick William II ( German: Friedrich Wilhelm II.; 25 September 1744 – 16 November 1797) was king of Prussia from 1786 until his death in 1797. He was in personal union with the prince-elector of Brandenburg and (via the Orange-Nassau inheritance of his grandfather) sovereign prince of the Canton of Neuchâtel.