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  1. The Polish alphabet (Polish: alfabet polski, abecadło) is the script of the Polish language, the basis for the Polish system of orthography.

  2. El alfabeto polaco es el alfabeto con el que se escribe la lengua polaca. Está basado en el alfabeto latino pero como la cantidad de fonemas es superior a la cantidad de letras, utiliza signos diacríticos como kreska (línea), gráficamente similar a la tilde aguda (ź, ś), kropka (punto: ż), ogonek (colita: ą, ę) y la barra ( ł ).

    Nombre Polaco
    Valor Fonético Más Común
    ą (o nasal)
  3. Alfabet polski, abecadło (dawniej: obiecadło, obiecado) – alfabet dwuszeregowy oparty na alfabecie łacińskim używany do zapisu języka polskiego.

  4. The polish alphabet (“alfabet polski“) consists of 32 letters (23 consonants and 9 vowels). Unlike other slavic languages, the polish language (“język polski“) uses Latin Script with additional diacritics for the special polish phonemes (such as ą and ł).

  5. The Polish alphabet is a modified version of the Latin alphabet and consists of 32 letters. It includes all the letters used in the English alphabet, as well as additional letters with diacritic marks, such as the "ą," "ć," "ę," "ł," "ń," "ó," "ś," "ź," and "ż."

  6. ALFABETO POLACO [editar]. A — a Ą — ą, a con colita (A z ogonkiem) B — be C — ce Ć — ci (e), ce con línea (o con acento agudo) D — de E — e

  7. The native name for Polish is polski (Polish), język polski (the Polish language), or more formally, polszczyzna (Polish). Polish alphabet and pronunciation. Hear a recording of the Polish alphabet by Pawel Klosinski. Notes. The letter ó is also known as o z kreską; a is a low central vowel for which there is no symbol in the IPA; ą = [o ...