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  1. Hace 1 día · Un film di Yorgos Lanthimos. Terza pellicola in lingua inglese per il regista greco Yorgos Lanthimos, dopo i successi di “The lobster” e “Il sacrificio del cervo sacro”: è il film “La Favorita” in onda martedì 4 giugno alle 21.15 su Rai 5. Nei primi anni del XVIII secolo, l’Inghilterra è in guerra contro la Francia.

  2. 8 de may. de 2024 · S ame-sex relationships and non-binary gender identities have always existed throughout history. And that's true for the British royals as well. What exactly went down among British royals behind palace doors no one will be able to know for sure, but there are many stories, and indeed evidence, that some of these royals were attracted to people ...

  3. 8 de may. de 2024 · S ame-sex relationships and non-binary gender identities have always existed throughout history. And that's true for the British royals as well. What exactly went down among British royals behind palace doors no one will be able to know for sure, but there are many stories, and indeed evidence, that some of these royals were attracted to people ...

  4. 13 de may. de 2024 · Was genau unter den britischen Royals hinter den Palasttüren vor sich ging, wird niemand mit Sicherheit wissen können, aber es gibt viele Geschichten und sogar Beweise dafür, dass sich einige dieser Royals zu Menschen des gleichen Geschlechts hingezogen fühlten und sich sogar außerhalb der Geschlechterbinarität ausdrückten.

  5. 25 de may. de 2024 · Harley was clearly using Mrs. (later Lady) Abigail Masham to supplant Sarah in Anne’s affections by 1707. When Anne’s husband, the Prince of Denmark, died in 1708, relations between Anne and Sarah temporarily improved, but Mrs. Masham’s power grew.

  6. 7 de may. de 2024 · Sinopse: Depois de um grupo de aspirantes a criminosos raptar a filha bailarina de 12 anos de uma poderosa figura do submundo, tudo o que têm de fazer para receber um resgate de 50 milhões de dólares é vigiar a rapariga durante a noite. Numa mansão isolada, os captores começam a diminuir, um a um, e descobrem, para seu horror crescente ...