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  1. Hace 3 días · France - Absolutism, Louis XIV, Monarchy: Thus, in religious matters (except where Jansenism was concerned), in his dealings with the nobility and the Parlement, in his attitude toward the economy, and in his manner of governing the country, Louis revealed a desire to exercise a paternal control of affairs that might suggest a modern ...

  2. Hace 5 días · Construida en Segovia, La Granja de San Ildefonso, conocida como el ‘Versalles español’, cuenta con unas construcciones barrocas que transportan a sus visitantes a Edad Moderna y a la corte del Rey Sol, Luis XIV de Francia.

  3. Hace 4 días · Louis XIV died at Versailles on 1 September 1715 and was succeeded by his five-year-old great-grandson, Louis XV, then the duke of Anjou, who was moved to the Château de Vincennes and then to Paris by Louis XV's regent, Philippe II, Duke of Orléans.

  4. Hace 18 horas · Los números cardinales son los que indican cantidad, como en Seis personas o Veinte años. Se diferencian de los ordinales (primero, sexto, etc.) en que estos últimos indican orden, no cantidad.

  5. Hace 4 días · According to its terms, France gained Roussillon and Cerdagne in the south and Artois and a number of border towns in the north; and the Rhine became France’s frontier in the east. By the treaty, too, Louis XIV was betrothed to the infanta Marie-Thérèse, the elder daughter of Philip IV of Spain.

  6. Hace 5 días · Under the guidance of Louis XIV (reigned 1643–1715), the residence was transformed (1661–1710) into an immense and extravagant complex surrounded by stylized French and English gardens. Every detail of its construction was intended to glorify the king.

  7. Hace 6 días · Era una época en que empezaban a perfilarse en Europa las monarquías de tipo absoluto, que tendrían su máxima expresión en la Francia de Luis XIV. El 30 de enero de 1649, y tras una serie de sangrientos enfrentamientos, Carlos I subía al patíbulo.

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