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  1. Paul Luther był trzecim synem Marcina Lutra i Katarzyny von Bora. Studiował początkowo łacinę i grekę pod kierunkiem Filipa Melanchtona i Veita Winsheima. Za radą Melanchtona rozpoczął studia medyczne na uniwersytecie w Wittenberdze. 29 lipca 1557 na podstawie pracy Oratio de pulmone et discrime arteriae tracheae et oesophagi; Luther ...

  2. Paul Luther, né le 28 janvier 1533 à Wittemberg et mort le 8 mars 1593 à Leipzig, est un médecin, chimiste médical et alchimiste allemand. Il est le troisième fils du réformateur protestant Martin Luther et fut successivement médecin de Jean-Frédéric II de Saxe, Joachim II Hector de Brandebourg, Auguste Ier de Saxe et son successeur Christian Ier de Saxe.

  3. Paul Luther is a playable character in Eternal Darkness. A Franciscan monk, he finds himself a target of the Inquisition while seeking shelter in Oublie Cathedral.

  4. Luther died at Leipzig on 8 March 1593. While still a medical student at Wittenberg, Luther had married Anna Warbeck. From this marriage there were six children: Paul Luther, died 1558 Johannes Ernst Luther, who became canon of Zeitz. Through him, the male line of the Luther family continued until 1759.

  5. Paulus oder Paul Luther (1533 - 1593) war der jüngste und auch berühmteste Sohn des Reformators.Auf Wunsch seines Vaters und auf Zuraten von Philipp Melanchthon studierte er Medizin in Wittenberg und war schon in jüngeren Jahren Leibarzt an verschiedenen Fürstenhöfen, so zum Beispiel am Hof des Herzogs

  6. Paul Ellis is the secondary antagonist in series 3 of Luther, he is a apprentice of William carney to become a serial killer. after Paul's mother was killed by William, he confronted him in prison about the murder of his mother William manipulated Paul into murdering for him saying killing women was fun and that Ellis' mother deserved it.

  7. Dr. Paul Luther (28 Jan 1533 - certain 1593) 0 references . Sitelinks. Wikipedia (13 entries) edit. arwiki بول ...

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Paul Luther

    st Paul Lutheran school