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  1. 21 de mar. de 2022 · Mehmed II was 18 years old when his father died, news of which was sent to Mehmed through a messenger in a sealed envelope. Eager to travel to Edirne before news of the accession was announced to the public — and out of fear that the people might revolt before he arrived — Mehmed mounted his horse and rushed to the capital, declaring to his followers, “Let those who love me follow me.”

  2. 18 de oct. de 2023 · Mehmed II mempunyai rencana untuk memperluas wilayah Kekaisaran Ottoman dan menaklukkan sisa-sisa wilayah Bizantium. Mehmed II berusaha mengembalikan kejayaan kekaisaran Mediterania timur yang telah memudar. Maka, ia mengalahkan Drakula di kehidupan nyata, mendorong pengembangan seni dan ilmu pengetahuan, dan memperluas penyebaran agama Islam.

  3. › summary › Mehmed-II-Ottoman-sultanMehmed II summary | Britannica

    Mehmed II, byname Mehmed the Conqueror, (born March 30, 1432, Adrianople, Thrace, Ottoman Empire—died May 3, 1481, near Constantinople), Ottoman sultan (1444–46, 1451–81). His father, Murad II, abdicated in his favour when Mehmed was 12 but reclaimed the throne two years later in the aftermath of a Christian Crusade.

  4. In Mehmed II's first reign, he defeated the crusade led by John Hunyadi after the Hungarian incursions into his country broke the conditions of the Peace of Szeged. When Mehmed II ascended the throne again in 1451, he strengthened the Ottoman navy and made preparations to attack Constantinople. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople ...

  5. 4 de dic. de 2023 · Mehmed II fue un destacado sultán otomano que reinó durante más de 30 años y dejó un importante legado histórico. Inicialmente se convirtió en sultán cuando su padre abdicó del trono, pero Murad II regresó al poder dos años después. Sin embargo, Mehmed II volvió a tomar el control cuando su padre murió en 1451.

  6. 11 de jun. de 2023 · Sultan Mehmed II, also known as Mehmed the Conqueror, was born on 30th March 1432, in Edirne during his father's reign, Sultan Murad II. As a child, Mehmed was educated in the palace school under the supervision of several renowned scholars and teachers. His education was well-rounded, encompassing various subjects such as science, history ...

  7. Mehmed II was an Ottoman sultan who ruled from August 1444 to September 1446, and then later from February 1451 to May 1481. In Mehmed II's first reign, he defeated the crusade led by John Hunyadi after the Hungarian incursions into his country broke the conditions of the truce Peace of Szeged. When Mehmed II ascended the throne again in 1451 ...

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