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  1. Anna Tronds (született körül 1540, meghalt körülbelül 1607), ismert angol Anna Throndsen és posztumusz mint Anna Rüstung, egy dán-norvég nemes . Az angol és a skót történelem, Anna Throndsen Legismertebb házassága James Hepburn, 4 -én Earl Bothwell (amely kiérdemelte később a becenevet Skottefruen ( „ A skót Lady” )), aki később feleségül Mary Stuart .

  2. Kristoffer Throndsen (c. 1500–1565), posthumously also with the family name Rustung, was a squire, admiral, feudal overlord in Norway and Denmark, privateer captain and pirate. Kristoffer served Archbishop Olav Engelbrektsson, the interregnum leader of Norway, in the last years of the Kalmar Union. His most famous child was Anna Throndsen, known in Norway as "the Scottish Lady" (Skottefruen ...

  3. Kristoffer Throndsen (c. 1500–1565), posthumously also with the family name Rustung, was a squire, admiral, feudal overlord in Norway and Denmark, privateer captain and pirate. Kristoffer served Archbishop Olav Engelbrektsson , the interregnum leader of Norway, in the last years of the Kalmar Union .

  4. 15 de jun. de 2016 · Anna Tronds or Anna Throndsen, her father was a favoured Admirel and Royal consul in the Danish king’s household. Bothwell had married or rather handfasted himself to Anna, when in Denmark on business probably around 1557/58? Handfasting in Denmark was (and I believe still is) as legally binding as marriage is in any other country.

  5. Anna Tronds (født circa 1540, død circa 1607), kendt på engelsk som Anna Throndsen og postuum som Anna Rustung, er en dansk-norsk adelsmand . I den engelske og skotske historie, er Anna Throndsen bedst kendt for sit ægteskab med James Hepburn, 4 th Jarlen af Bothwell (der gav ham senere tilnavnet Skottefruen ( " Den skotske Lady")), en mand, der senere blev gift med Mary Stuart.

  6. 14 de abr. de 2017 · In 1559/1560 Bothwell visited Denmark on the way to France and met Anna Throndsen (Anne Thorssen). He is alleged to have seduced and even married Anne but deserted her. In 1566, he married Jean Gordon, second eldest daughter of George Gordon, Earl of Huntly, but the marriage was not a happy one, as Jean accused Bothwell of adultery with her maid and seamstress, Bessie Crawford.

  7. This was the native home of Anna Throndsen. Anna raised a complaint against Bothwell, which was enforced by her powerful family; her cousin Erik Rosenkrantz, a high-level official in Norway, remanded Bothwell to the Bergenhus Fortress while Anna sued him for abandonment and return of her dowry.