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  1. Harro Schulze Boysen (1909-1942) Memorial Harro y Libertas Schulze-Boysen Harro y Harnack Inscripción en el Ministerio Alemán de Finanzas: "Aunque debamos morir sepamos que la semilla fructificará. Crean conmigo en el día de recolección"

  2. Libertas Schulze-Boysen. Busto di Libertas Schulze-Boysen. Libertas Schulze-Boysen, nata Libertas Viktoria Haas-Heye ( Parigi, 20 novembre 1913 – Berlino, 22 dicembre 1942 ), è stata un' attivista tedesca, membro di un gruppo di resistenza antinazista, attiva durante il Terzo Reich .

  3. 14 The Red Orchestra. In the mid-1930s, circles of friendship, discussion, and learning formed in Berlin around Arvid Harnack, a senior executive officer in the Reich Ministry of Economics, and his wife Mildred, along with the Reich Ministry of Aviation employee Harro Schulze-Boysen and his wife Libertas. Through personal contacts, a loose ...

  4. 8. September: Libertas Schulze-Boysen wird verhaftet. 19. Dezember: Das Reichskriegsgericht verurteilt Schulze-Boysen, seine Frau und weitere Angeklagte zum Tode. 22. Dezember: Harro Schulze-Boysen wird in Berlin-Plötzensee durch den Strang hingerichtet.

  5. Libertas Schulze-Boysen (Haas-Heye) (20 Nov 1913 - 22 Dec 1942) 0 references . Sitelinks. Wikipedia (13 entries) edit. dewiki Libertas Schulze-Boysen; enwiki Libertas ...

  6. Few today have heard of Harro Schulze-Boysen, who worked in the intelligence service of the Reich Air Ministry, and his wife Libertas Haas-Heye, a family friend of Hermann Göring, and yet their tragic story offers a unique insight into the world of young, liberal-minded Berliners whose lifestyles were increasingly under threat as the Nazis tightened their grip on power.

  7. Libertas Schulze-Boysen. 20. November 1913, Paris – 22. Dezember 1942. Libertas Haas-Heye verbringt ihre Kindheit auf dem Gut ihres Großvaters Philipp Fürst zu Eulenburg und Hertefeld in Liebenberg bei Berlin. Nach dem Abitur an einem Mädchen-Gymnasium in Zürich und einem Eng­landaufenthalt beginnt sie 1933 eine Tätigkeit als Pres ...