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  1. Percy Florence Shelley (12 de noviembre de 1819- 5 de diciembre de 1889) fue el hijo de Percy Bysshe Shelley y de la autora de la novela gótica Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, Mary Shelley. Su segundo nombre, Florence, le fue elegido por haber nacido en la ciudad de Florencia (en inglés, Florence) en Italia.

  2. 30 de ene. de 2021 · La escritora tenía 19 años cuando contrajo matrimonio con el poeta Percy Bysshe Shelley, con quien tuvo un hijo: Percy Florence Shelley. A lo largo de su vida, Mary Shelley publicó obras como Mathilda (1819), Valperga (1923), El último hombre (1826), La suerte de Perkin Warbeck: Un romance (1830), Lodore (1835) y Falkner (1837).

  3. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode al vento occidentale , trad. di Roberto Sanesi) Nonostante dichiari il suo aperto ateismo e il suo materialismo , Shelley è in realtà un panteista e un epicureo che sogna un Eden pagano dove non esiste il peccato ma solo gioia e piacere (amori impetuosi, passioni brevi ma travolgenti segnarono il suo percorso di "genio nordico dal cuore latino") ; secondo il suo ...

  4. En 1826, Percy Florence se convirtió en el heredero legal de la finca Shelley tras la muerte de Charles Shelley, el hijo de Percy y Harriet Shelley. Sir Timothy aumentó la paga de Mary de 100 libras al año a 250 libras pero continuó siendo tan duro con ella como lo había sido siempre. [ 105 ]

  5. Percy Bysshe Shelley (born Aug. 4, 1792, Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex, Eng.—died July 8, 1822, at sea off Livorno, Tuscany [Italy]) was an English Romantic poet whose passionate search for personal love and social justice was gradually channeled from overt actions into poems that rank with the greatest in the English language.


    The first Percy Florence Shelley letter added to the Collection was the one to “Charles” (surname unidentified), which was purchased at the sale of the stock of the late George D. Smith in May of 1920. Sporadic accession of Percy Florence Shelley manuscripts continued over the next several decades, leading to the accumulation of a dozen by the

  7. 1 de feb. de 2022 · Percy Florence Shelley was born in 1819 and named after his father, Percy Bysshe and the Italian city of his birth. When he was only two and a half his father, the famous poet and radical, drowned in a boating accident and was cremated on the beach at Viareggio, Italy with his ashes later being buried in Rome.