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  1. STAUPITZ, JOHANN VON. Vicar-general of the German Augustinians at the time of Martin luther's revolt and personal counselor of Luther; b. probably at Motterwitz, near Leisnig, 1468 – 69; d. Salzburg, Austria, Dec. 28, 1524. There is little certain knowledge about his early years. He studied at Cologne and Leipzig from 1483 to 1489 and entered ...

  2. In 1520 revocation and abjuration were demanded of Staupitz; he hesitated at first, because there was no need to revoke what he had never asserted, but finally declared that he recognized the pope as his judge. Luther saw in this declaration a defection. However, Staupitz was no Lutheran but thoroughly Catholic in matters of faith (especially ...

  3. Johann von Staupitz, 1465 i Grimma, död 28 december 1524 i Salzburg, var Martin Luthers vän och gynnare. Han härstammade från en adlig släkt i kursachsiska kretsen. Staupitz tillhörde augustineremiternas orden och kallades 1503 till det nyupprättade universitetet i Wittenberg som professor i bibelkunskap och förste dekan för teologiska fakulteten.

  4. Johann Von Staupitz. Abad, nacido en Motterwitz cerca de Leisnig (o en Moderwitz cerca de Meustadt del Orla) alrededor de 1460 y muerto en Salzburgo el 28 dic.1524. Descendía de una antigua familia de Sajonia. Estudio en Leipzig , donde y se matriculó en 1485.

  5. At Tübingen, however, Staupitz was exposed to Scotist and nominalist theology and to many of the themes and ideas preached at Strasbourg by Geiler von Kaysersberg. Gabriel Biel, the most important nominalist theologian to teach at Tübingen, was already dead when Staupitz arrived at the university.

  6. Johann von Staupitz, né vers 1460 à Motterwitz et mort le 28 décembre 1524 à Salzbourg, est un théologien et professeur d'université saxon, vicaire général de l'ordre des Augustins en Allemagne et supérieur de Martin Luther à un tournant de sa vie spirituelle. Il fut considéré comme ayant eu une grande influence sur Luther, et sur ...

  7. Johann von Staupitz. Johann von Staupitz (ur. 1465 w Motterwitz; zm. 28 grudnia 1524 w klasztorze św. Piotra w Salzburgu) – teolog, przyjaciel i ojciec duchowy Marcina Lutra. Jego święto w kalendarzu luterańskim przypada na 8 listopada .