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  1. Calvinism belongs to the Reformed tradition of Protestant Christianity. This tradition goes back to John Calvin and other theologians . Important Calvinists from Europe include: Martin Bucer, Heinrich Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, and Huldrych Zwingli, and from England, reformers Thomas Cranmer and John Jewel.

  2. 12 de oct. de 2023 · Also, an understanding that God is at work in this world. He is sovereignly working all things to his glory, through the renown of his name. That is the essence of Calvinism and the beauty of Calvinism is how it helps you to understand what God has done in Jesus Christ to send his one and only son to die for us, to die for people who have rejected God, who have rebelled against him, who have ...

  3. New Calvinism is complementarian and not egalitarian. New Calvinism uses contemporary forms of music. New Calvinism is popular among Baptists. New Calvinism is popular also among Charismatics. The books of Jonathan Edwards feature prominently, in addition to those of John Calvin. New Calvinism is engaged to using the internet and social media ...

  4. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia: Calvinisme , sur Wikimedia Commons calvinisme , sur le Wiktionnaire Dictionnaire de théologie catholique sur le calvinisme , sur Wikisource Bibliographie [modifier | modifier le code] Jean-Daniel Benoit, Calvin, directeur d'âmes: Contribution à l'histoire de la piété réformée , Strasbourg, Oberlin, 1947. Charles Brütsch, La foi réformée , coll ...

  5. Calvinismo. O calvinismo é tanto um movimento religioso protestante quanto um sistema teológico bíblico com raízes na Reforma Protestante, tendo o seu maior expoente no reformador francês João Calvino . A maior associação Reformada no mundo é a Comunhão Mundial das Igrejas Reformadas com mais de 100 milhões de membros em 2020 ...

  6. 喀爾文主義 ( 法语 、 荷兰语 : Calvinisme ;英語: Calvinism )是16世纪 法國 宗教改革家 、 神學家 約翰·加爾文 畢生的許多主張和实践及其教派其他人的主张和实践的統稱,在不同的討論中有不同的意義。. 在現代的神學論述習慣中,喀爾文主義常指「 救贖預 ...

  7. b. s. Patung Guillaume Farel, Yohanes Calvin, Theodore Beza, dan John Knox, teolog yang paling berpengaruh dalam mengembangkan iman Reformed, di Tembok Reformasi di Jenewa. Calvinisme, yang juga disebut tradisi Reformed, iman Reformed, [1] atau Hervormd [2], adalah cabang utama Protestanisme yang mengikuti tradisi teologi Kristen dan pendekatan ...