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  1. In 2019, 26% of Germans of any age group (up from 18,4% in 2008) and 39% of German children (up from 30% in 2008) had at least one parent born abroad. Average age for Germans with at least one parent born abroad was 35.6 years (up from 33.8 years in 2008), while that for Germans, who had two parents born in Germany was 47.3 years (up from 44.6 in 2008).

  2. Hermanos Grimm. Los hermanos Grimm ( die Brüder Grimm o die Gebrüder Grimm ), Jacob Grimm ( Hanau, Hesse; 4 de enero de 1785- Berlín, 20 de septiembre de 1863) y Wilhelm Grimm (ibídem; 24 de febrero de 1786-Berlín, 16 de diciembre de 1859), fueron eruditos, filólogos, mitólogos, investigadores culturales, lexicógrafos y escritores ...

  3. › wiki › GermaniGermani - Wikipedia

    Germani. Germanii (din немец, nemeț, respectiv német; numiți pe filieră slavo-maghiară și nemți; germană Deutsche) sunt un popor indo-european a cărui origine și distribuție etnografică se regăsește în nord-vestul Europei Centrale și, respectiv, în Europa de Vest. De asemenea, comunități minoritare germanofone au mai ...

  4. › en › GermansGermans - Wikiwand

    Germans are the natives or inhabitants of Germany, or sometimes more broadly any people who are of German descent or native speakers of the German language. The constitution of Germany, implemented in 1949 following the end of World War II, defines a German as a German citizen. During the 19th and much of the 20th century, discussions on German identity were dominated by concepts of a common ...

  5. Culture of Germany. The culture of Germany has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious and secular. German culture originated with the Germanic tribes, the earliest evidence of Germanic culture dates to the Jastorf culture in Northern Germany and Denmark.

  6. El Hospital Universitario Germans Trias i Pujol es un centro sanitario público ubicado al pie de la Sierra de la Marina, en el municipio de Badalona. Está construido sobre unos terrenos de propiedad municipal, que antiguamente eran una finca llamada Can Ruti, nombre como se conoce popularmente al hospital. El nombre oficial del hospital le ...

  7. The German minority population in Russia, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union stemmed from several sources and arrived in several waves. Since the second half of the 19th century, as a consequence of the Russification policies and compulsory military service in the Russian Empire, large groups of Germans from Russia emigrated to the Americas (mainly Canada, the United States, Brazil and Argentina ...