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  1. › wiki › ClefClef - Wikipedia

    Clef. A clef (from French: clef 'key') is a musical symbol used to indicate which notes are represented by the lines and spaces on a musical staff. Placing a clef on a staff assigns a particular pitch to one of the five lines or four spaces, which defines the pitches on the remaining lines and spaces.

  2. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., organisation de bienfaisance régie par le paragraphe 501(c)(3) du code fiscal des États-Unis. Politique de confidentialité; À propos de Wikipédia; Avertissements; Contact; Code de conduite; Développeurs; Statistiques; Déclaration sur les témoins (cookies) Version mobile

  3. The novel is a roman à clef: the characters are based on people in Hemingway's circle and the action is based on events, particularly Hemingway's life in Paris in the 1920s and a trip to Spain in 1925 for the Pamplona festival and fishing in the Pyrenees.

  4. Schlüsselroman. Ein Schlüsselroman (von frz. roman à clef) ist ein Roman, der es nahelegt, als wahre Geschichte gelesen zu werden. Er ist eine Gattung der Schlüsselliteratur. Die Bezeichnung rührt daher, dass es möglich ist, zu fiktionalen Texten, dem Chiffre, „Schlüssel“ zu verfassen, also Erklärungen, in denen aufgeschlüsselt ...

  5. Roman à clef or roman à clé, French for novel with a key, is a novel about real life, overlaid with a façade of fiction. The fictitious names in the novel represent real people, and the "key" is the relationship between the nonfiction and the fiction. This "key" may be produced separately by the author, or implied through the use of ...

  6. Roman à clef, ou roman a cle, designa a forma narrativa na qual o autor trata de pessoas reais por meio de personagens fictícios. Em alguns casos, o autor recorre a anagramas ou pseudônimos para referir-se a sujeitos reais; noutros, vale-se de uma tabela que permite converter números ou iniciais em nomes (verdadeiros) correspondentes.