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  1. 4 de nov. de 2013 · At the foundation of this new conception lies the theory of reification that Lukács introduces in the essay “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat.” This essay is credited not only with being one of the foundational texts of “Western Marxism” (Anderson 1976), but also with spelling out the paradigmatic “central problem” (Brunkhorst 1998) of critical theory.

  2. Western Marxism is a current of Marxist theory that arose from Western and Central Europe in the aftermath of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia and the ascent of Leninism. The term denotes a loose collection of theorists who advanced an interpretation of Marxism distinct from classical and Orthodox Marxism and the Marxism-Leninism of the ...

  3. Reification makes no allowance for the cultural and ideological frameworks which produced the signifier. Just because we have a word for something such as the self or the mind does not make it a ‘real’ entity, and yet the widespread and routine use of a signifier can appear to validate the existence of the signified as a taken-for-granted thing in itself.

  4. 27 de may. de 2020 · Reification is “a cognitive occurrence in which something that doesn’t possess thing-like characteristics in itself (e.g., something human) comes to be regraded as a thing” ( Honneth 2008 :21). Second only to the Marxist tradition in theorizing reification is social phenomenology.

  5. Reificação (do latim res: "coisa"; em alemão: Verdinglichung, literalmente: "transformar algo em coisa" ou Versachlichung, literalmente: "objetificação") ou coisificação é uma operação mental que consiste em transformar conceitos abstractos em objectos ou mesmo tratar seres humanos como objetos. No marxismo, o conceito designa uma ...

  6. En informatique, la réification consiste à transformer un concept en un objet informatique. Ce terme est surtout utilisé en programmation orientée objet ou en programmation fonctionnelle. Par exemple, soit un objet p d'une classe Point et contenant les deux entiers 2 et 3 dans son état. Point est une réification du point de coordonnées ...

  7. Globalement, la réification a trait au fonctionnement autonome, aliéné et aliénant des systèmes de la culture et de la société modernes et à leur transformation de moyens en fins pour soi. Certes, les mondes de la culture et de la société sont des objecti varions de l'homme, des produits de leur praxis.