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  1. 12 de jun. de 2023 · William Gilbert (1544-1603) fue un médico y filósofo natural inglés del siglo XVI. Es conocido como el padre de la física eléctrica y del magnetismo. Sus aportes en esas áreas son reconocidos como pilares fundamentales de esas ramas de las ciencias. En el ejercicio de la medicina obtuvo gran renombre y llegó a ser el médico personal de ...

  2. 5 de mar. de 2021 · It is believed that William Oughtred and Richard Delamain invented the circular slide rule independently from each other. Delamain published his Grammelogia, or the Mathematical ring already in 1630. Big discussions arose over the topic and throughout Oughtred’s later life. [1] The English Civil War (1642-1646) was a difficult time for ...

  3. 2.5 Quinta Generación Y La Inteligencia Artificial. 3 Pioneros de la computación. 3.1 Wilhelm Schickard. 3.2 Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. 3.3 John Napier. 3.4 Wilhelm Schickard. 3.5 William Oughtred. 3.6 Blaise Pascal. 3.7 Sir Samuel Morland.

  4. 16 de feb. de 2019 · William Oughtred. William Oughtred made the first slide rule by inscribing logarithms on wood or ivory. Before the invention of the pocket or handheld calculator, the slide rule was a popular tool for calculations. The use of slide rules continued until about 1974, after which electronic calculators became more popular.

  5. The Rev. William Oughtred (5 March 1574 – 30 June 1660) was an English mathematician and Anglican minister. After John Napier invented logarithms, and Edmund Gunter created the logarithmic scales (lines, or rules) upon which slide rules are based, it was Oughtred who first used two such scales sliding by one another to perform direct multiplication and division; and he is credited as the ...

  6. 23 de jun. de 2023 · Los inventos más importantes de la historia El microscopio. Este aparato permite observar objetos microscópicos, invisibles a simple vista. Fue creado por Zacharias Janssen en 1590. En 1665 el microscopio apareció en la obra de William Harvey sobre la circulación sanguínea gracias a la observación que hizo sobre los capilares. La agricultura

  7. William Oughtred also introduced the "×" symbol for multiplication as well as the abbreviations "sin" and "cos" for the sine and cosine functions. Before the invention of the desktop calculator and electronic computers in the mid-20th Century, the slide rule was a very common calculation aid, used by people such as students, engineers, and scientists.