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  1. Henry Every tornou-se marinheiro ainda muito jovem, trabalhando inicialmente em navios mercantes. Alguns documentos afirmam a sua presença a bordo de um navio inglês em 1671, tendo assim cerca de 12 anos somente; por conta das guerras contra os franceses, Every ingressa na Marinha Real Britânica por volta de 1688, onde serviu como suboficial a bordo do HMS Rupert e do HMS Albemarle e ...

  2. 15 de sept. de 2021 · Definición. Henry Every (nacido en 1653), también conocido como Henry Avery, Benjamin Bridgeman, "Long Ben" e, incorrectamente, John Avery, fue uno de los piratas más salvajes y exitosos de la Edad de oro de la piratería. Luego de capturar un barco del tesoro del emperador mogol en 1695 con un cargamento valuado en más de 95 millones de ...

  3. Biographie. Henry Every alias Henry Avery, John Avary, Long Ben ou Benjamin Bridgeman, est l'un des plus fameux flibustiers anglais. Il serait né, selon les sources le 23 août 1659 et mort après 1696. Il est surnommé The Arch Pirate et The King of Pirates (« le roi des pirates »).

  4. 29 de jun. de 2022 · For a pirate to succeed at this life was rare indeed, but for a pirate to escape with his treasure and successfully disappear was almost unheard of. But this is a story of a pirate who may have done just that. This is the story of “Long Ben”, the “King of Pirates” and the most successful pirate of all time: Henry Every.

  5. 1 de feb. de 2023 · But then Every accomplished something almost unheard of in his line of work, something that almost no other famous pirate managed to do – he got away with it. Back then, pirates were fated to meet their end either at the bottom of Davy Jones’ Locker or at the end of a rope at the gallows. But Henry Every got his big score, took his share of the treasure and disappeared into the mists of ...

  6. 14 de jul. de 2022 · Enter the picture Henry Every, the Archpirate. One of the most successful figures to ever follow in the footsteps of Tew was Henry Every, a man who during his time became known as the Archpirate ...

  7. Henry Every, także Avery, lub Evory, znany także jako Long Ben – angielski pirat żyjący w drugiej połowie XVII wieku. Na początku lat 90. pływał w załodze statku niewolniczego pomiędzy Afryką a Ameryką Północną. O jego wcześniejszej aktywności pirackiej nie ma informacji. W roku 1694 znalazł się w randze pierwszego oficera ...