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  1. Hace 4 días · En 1700, la muerte de Carlos II de España sin herederos desató una disputa por la sucesión al trono entre el Archiduque Carlos de Austria y Felipe de Anjou, nieto de Luis XIV de Francia. Esto llevó a la formación de la Gran Alianza de la Haya, que incluía a Inglaterra, Holanda y Austria, declarando la guerra a Felipe V y Francia.

  2. Hace 5 días · 1701. • Comienza la Guerra de Sucesión a la Corona española, conflicto entre los partidarios de Felipe V (borbón) y los del archiduque Carlos (de la casa de los Austrias). • Tratado de la Haya: El peligro de unión de las coronas, española y francesa obligó al resto de potencias a crear la Gran Alianza de la Haya.

  3. Hace 3 días · Signature. Charles II of Spain [a] (6 November 1661 – 1 November 1700) was King of Spain from 1665 to 1700. The last monarch from the House of Habsburg, which had ruled Spain since 1516, neither of his marriages produced children, and he died without a direct heir. He is now best remembered for his physical disabilities, and the War of the ...

  4. Hace 4 días · Carlos de Austria was the prince of Asturias, son of King Philip II of Spain and Maria of Portugal, heir to the Spanish throne. His hatred for his father led him to conspire with the king’s enemies in the Low Countries, thus provoking his arrest. His death contributed to the Black Legend of Philip.

  5. Hace 2 días · Amid cabals, intrigues, exorcisms of evil spirits, and blood feuds at court, while riots were going on in the streets of Madrid, the rule of the house of Austria came to an end with the death of Charles II, on November 1, 1700.

  6. Hace 3 días · His rival, Archduke Charles of Austria, was supported by the Grand Alliance, whose primary members included Austria, the Dutch Republic, and Great Britain. Significant related conflicts include the 1700 to 1721 Great Northern War , and Queen Anne's War in North America .

  7. Hace 2 días · Spain - Reconquista, Inquisition, Monarchy: Ferdinand died on January 23, 1516, and the crowns of the Spanish kingdoms devolved to his grandson, Charles I (1516–56), the ruler of the Netherlands and heir to the Habsburg dominions in Austria and southern Germany.