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  1. Características físicas. Es un mamífero de gran tamaño, llega a medir hasta 2 metros de altura y 3 metros de longitud. A la edad adulta llega a pesar mas de 500 Kg, peso que es soportado por cuatro patas largas, las cuales le permite correr velozmente. El alce tiene un cuello alargado y abultado, unido a una cabeza grande con ojos ...

  2. › ElandEland - EcuRed

    Reproducción. El Eland se reproduce sin problemas en cautividad. El período de gestación dura aproximadamente 9 meses, después la hembra da a luz a una sola cría con un peso aproximado de 30 Kg, la cual es destetada después de los 6 meses. Los individuos alcanzan la madurez sexual a los 36 meses en hembras y a los 4 o 5 años en el macho.

  3. Taurotragus oryx. T. oryx oryx; T. oryx livingstonei; T. oryx pattersonianus; Porén, para algúns autores ambas as especies son conespecíficas, [5] ou outros, ademais, consideran ao xénero Taurotragus como un subxénero de Tragelaphus, Tragelaphus (Taurotragus) oryx Pallas, 1766, [3] coas cinco subespecies citadas: Tragelaphus (Taurotragus ...

  4. Length. 200-345. cm inch. The Common eland ( Taurotragus oryx) is an antelope species from East and Southern Africa. It was scientifically described by Peter Simon Pallas in 1766. The Common eland is used by humans for leather, meat, and milk, and has been domesticated in many areas. Cr. Crepuscular.

  5. 1) General Zoological Data. There are two species of eland, the common eland ( Taurotragus oryx pattersonianus ) described here, and the Giant or Derby eland, T. derbianus. Both are large animals from Africa and range from Ethiopia south (Nowak, 1999). Tragelaphus (from Gr. Tragos = he-goat, and elaphos = deer).

  6. The ears are pointed and small, and the cheeks are not spotted like on the Giant Eland. The tail is long and tufted black on the end. Dental formula is I 0 / 3, C 0 / 1, P 3 / 3, M 3 / 3 (x 2) = 32. Diploid numbers for the Common Eland are 31 for males and 32 for females — among the lowest of the Tragelaphini.

  7. 8 de nov. de 2022 · The Common Eland (T. oryx) or commonly referred to as Cape Eland is native to Eastern and Southern Africa. The Common Eland explores different environments from mountains, plains, sub deserts, and forests. The Common Eland remains the largest antelope in the family and male Elands show it. Common Elands have a shoulder height between 51.2”-66.9” (130-170 cm), body length from 83”-106 ...