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  1. 22 de feb. de 2021 · Alexander Duff ministry in India. Born in Perthshire, Alexander was a son of a farmer. He graduated in Arts and Theology from St. Andrews University, where he founded a student missionary society. Soon after his studies, he accepted the offer made by the Church of Scotland to be their first missionary to India.

  2. DUFF, ALEXANDER, D.D., LL.D. (1806–1878), missionary, was born at Auchnahyle in the parish of Moulin, Perthshire, 26 April 1806. In his boyhood he came under deep religious impressions, and in his course of study in arts and theology at the university of St. Andrews was much influenced by Chalmers, then professor of moral philosophy.

  3. Duff found that Brahmins and other caste Hindus who could. afford to do so co-operated with each other to form small one-teacher schools of their own, classes being held in the home of one of the. 1 Alexander Duff, India and Indian Missions, pp. 530-33, 2nd Edition, Edinburgh, 1840. I6o.

  4. Duff’s engagement and his visions and policies thus need to be contextualized against this wider backdrop though he seldom swam with the tide. His influence however did not remain confined within the four walls of educational institutes as Wood’s Dispatch (1854)–considered as the magna carta of English education in colonial India was much inspired by Duff’s policies.

  5. 14 de jun. de 2017 · By Rob June 14, 2017. This is a copy of the Thomas Smith’s 1883 biography of the the noted missionary to India, Alexander Duff [1806-1878]. As the author points out, he had both an intimate knowledge of his subject and the co-operation of Duff’s official biographer Mr George Smith. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy ...

  6. Alexander Duff was a Scottish Christian missionary who played a major role in the development of higher education in India, particularly through his establishment of the General Assembly's Institution in Calcutta. He was also involved in the founding of the University of Calcutta. Duff's approach involved using a western system of education to convert Hindus and Muslims to Christianity. He was ...

  7. afterwards Alexander Duff amid appeal Assembly baptism became Bengal Bible Bishop blessing Bombay Brahman British Calcutta called caste Chalmers Christ Christian Church Missionary Society Church of England Church of Scotland committee converts countrymen declared divine Duff's duty earnest East Edinburgh England English Eurasians European evangelical evangelisation faith father feel Foreign ...