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  1. Edoardo Agnelli (2 stycznia 1892 w Weronie, 14 lipca 1935 w Genui) – włoski przemysłowiec oraz działacz sportowy. Życiorys [ edytuj | edytuj kod ] Syn Giovanniego Agnelliego , założyciela koncernu motoryzacyjnego FIAT [1] , oraz Clary Boselli.

  2. Gianni Agnelli (1921–2003) was the oldest son of the industrialist and principal family shareholder of the Italian car company Fiat, Edoardo Agnelli. After WWII he earned a law degree at Turin University and his nickname was L'Avvocato ("The Lawyer").

  3. 24 de feb. de 2022 · Edoardo’s father, Gianni Agnelli, had for decades turned Fiat to be one the largest companies in Europe ever since he took over the family firm in 1966 and grown it to become a multi-billion dollar empire. In Italy, they nicknamed Gianni L’Avvocato meaning the lawyer – perhaps because he had graduated with a law degree from Turin University.

  4. 14 de jul. de 2015 · He was the man who definitively tied the Agnelli name to Juventus and the term "victory" to the black and white colours. Born on 2 January 1892,...

  5. 30 de abr. de 2024 · Il tragico destino di Edoardo Agnelli. Fa freddo, quel 15 novembre del 2000. Nemmeno uno spicchio di sole illumina il grigiore di quella giornata d’autunno. C’è poco traffico sull’autostrada Torino-Savona e nessuno, percorrendo il viadotto nei pressi di Fossano, fa caso a una vettura ferma proprio a fianco del parapetto.

  6. Hace 2 días · La nascita dell’Opera intitolata ad Edoardo Agnelli. Quando si abbatte come fulmine sul Senatore Agnelli la tragica morte dell’amatissimo suo Edoardo (perito in un incidente aereo con il pilota Perrarin nel 1935), egli non riusciva più a trovare conforto al cuore straziato. Passato qualche tempo venne a farmi visita per espormi un suo disegno.

  7. 15 de nov. de 2000 · Turin (dpa). Edoardo Agnelli, der einzige Sohn des italienischen Auto-Magnaten Gianni Agnelli, ist am Mittwoch tot aufgefunden worden. Die Polizei entdeckte die Leiche des 46-Jährigen unter einer ...