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  1. Heinrich Ernst Göring (häufig auch: Ernst Heinrich; 31. Oktober 1838 in Emmerich; 7. Dezember 1913 in München) war ein deutscher Offizier der Kavallerie (zuletzt Hauptmann der Landwehr ), Jurist, Kolonialbeamter und Diplomat. Göring war von 1885 bis 1888 Reichskommissar des Schutzgebietes „ Deutsch-Südwestafrika “.

  2. Heinrich Ernst Göring (31 de outubro de 1839 - 7 de dezembro de 1913) [1] foi um jurista alemão, diplomata e governador colonial do Sudoeste Africano Alemão. Casado com Franziska Tiefenbrunn, foi pai de cinco filhos, sendo um deles o oficial da Luftwaffe e político da Alemanha Nazi Hermann Göring , e outro Albert Göring , um empresário alemão que ajudou a salvar judeus durante a ...

  3. Heinrich Ernst Göring 1838 1913 Heinrich Ernst Göring in Famous People Throughout History Heinrich Ernst Göring was born on October 31 1838, in Emmerich Am Rhein, Germany. Heinrich passed away on December 7 1913, at age 75 in Munich, Germany.

  4. Heinrich Ernst Göring was born 31 October 1839 and died 7 December 1913 in Germany. He was the son of Wilhelm Göring and Caroline de Nerée . He was a cavalry officer and had been the first Governor-General of the German protectorate of South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia). Heinrich was also Consul General of Haiti.

  5. Heinrich Ernst Göring was the son of Johann Wilhelm Göring (1791–1874) and his wife Caroline Maria de Nerée (1815–1886). He was a German jurist and diplomat who served as colonial governor of German South West Africa. Göring was the father of five children including Hermann Göring, the convicted Nazi war criminal and...

  6. Heinrich Ernst Göring (31 October 1839 – 7 December 1913) was a German jurist and diplomat who served as colonial governor of German South West Africa. He was the father of five children including Hermann Göring, the Nazi leader and commander of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force).