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  1. Brief Life History of Maredudd. When Maredudd ap Tudor was born in 1300, in Wales, United Kingdom, his father, Earl Gronwy ap Tudor Hen, was 25 and his mother, Gwerful ferch Madog, was 26. He died in 1367, at the age of 67.

  2. 3 de jul. de 2023 · Maredydd ap Tudur (d. 1406) was a Welsh soldier and nobleman from the Tudor family of Penmynydd and Owen Tudor's father. He supported the 1400 Welsh uprising of his first cousin Owain Glyndwr [1]. Both his brothers Rhys ap Tudur (Sherif of Anglsea) and Gwilym ap Tudur rekindled the uprising in 1402 when they (and 16 other men) entered Conwy Castle, took it over and held it for at least two months.

  3. Owain ap Maredudd (conocido también por Owain ap Maredudd ap Tudur u Owen Tudor) (c. 1400-2 de febrero de 1461) fue un soldado galés y cortesano, descendiente directo del Señor de Rhys Rhys ap Gruffydd, aunque es solamente recordado por su papel en la fundación de la Dinastía Tudor y por su relación con Catalina de Valois (Catalina de Francia), viuda del rey Enrique V de Inglaterra.

  4. Goronwy ap Tudur had two sons: Hywel, who gained position in the Church as a canon of Bangor Cathedral and later Archdeacon of Anglesey; the other son was Tudur, who was influential in his part of North Wales. Tudur ap Goronwy had five sons: Goronwy, Ednyfed, Rhys, Gwilym and Maredudd.

  5. 30 de ene. de 2024 · Death: 1428 (40-50) Wales. Immediate Family: Daughter of Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Llwyd and Nest ferch Ieuan. Wife of Maredudd ap Tudur. Mother of Annes verch Maredudd and Sir Owen Tudor. Sister of Gwilym ap Dafydd. Half sister of Gwenhwyfar verch Dafydd Fychan; Maredudd ap Dafydd Fychan; Cwnws ap Dafydd Fychan and Gwladys ferch Dafydd Fychan.

  6. Maredudd ap Tudur All rose to positions of power locally on Anglesey and in the adjoining areas of North Wales. Both Rhys and Gwilym accompanied King Richard II of England on his expedition to Ireland in 1398 and, after he was deposed, Rhys, Gwilym and Maredudd were supporters of the Welsh uprising of their cousin Owain Glyndŵr against King Henry IV of England .

  7. 6 de nov. de 2016 · Rhys ap Tewdwr (before 1065 – 1093) was a Prince of Deheubarth in south-west Wales and member of the Dinefwr dynasty, a branch descended from Rhodri the Great. He was born in the area which is now Carmarthenshire and died at the battle of Brecon in April 1093. He was the founder of the Second Royal Tribe of Wales.