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  1. Tamara ikinci ərini özü seçdi. O, Alaniya şahzadəsi David Soslan idi. Onu XVIII əsr gürcü alimi Şahzadə Vaxuşti erkən XI əsr Gürcü hökmdarı I Georginin nəslinin nümayəndəsi hesab edir. David kifayət qədər bacarıqlı sərkərdə idi.

  2. The Georgian army, numbering 65,000–90,000 troops, was ready for battle within ten days, and as soon as Rukn ad-Din's envoy left, it entered the battlefield under the command of David Soslan. It was composed of Zakaria and Ivane Mhargrdzeli, Shalva and Ivane Akhaltskheli, and other famous commanders. "

  3. 26 de mar. de 2024 · Thanks to a strong and flexible military organization and the commander-in-chief David Soslan the Georgians undertook a massive offensive against the Turkish invaders. In 1195 the 400,000 Turks were crushed by 90,000 Georgians led by king David Soslan in the battle at Shamkor, and in 1203 at Basiani.

  4. Tamara sobrevivió a su consorte David Soslan y murió de una «enfermedad devastadora» no lejos de su capital, Tiflis, después de haber coronado corregente a su hijo Lasha Giorgi. El cronista real relata que la reina repentinamente enfermó cuando discutía asuntos de Estado con sus ministros en el castillo de Nacharmagevi, cerca de la ciudad de Gori .

  5. David Soslan Lineage, descended from George I or Bagrationi who married an Alan princess Share Add a Comment. Be the first to comment ...

  6. La monarquía unificada mantuvo su precaria independencia de los imperios bizantino y selyúcida a lo largo del siglo XI, y floreció bajo el reinado de David IV el Constructor (1089-1125), que repelió los ataques selyúcidas y completó en lo esencial la unificación de Georgia con la reconquista de Tiflís en 1122.

  7. David Soslan was patrilineally a Georgian. His mother was Alan but his dad was a descendant of Georgians who were kicked out of Georgia. "Vakhushti says that Demetre son, David, was forced by Bagrat the 4-th to flee from Georgia into Alania.