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  1. 28 de nov. de 2020 · Sir Richard Grenville led the expedition and landed on Roanoke Island in 1584. Soon after settlement, he was responsible for burning a village inhabited by Carolina Algonquians, ending the previously friendly relations.

  2. Sir Richard Grenville. A naval commander and cousin of Walter Ralegh, Grenville was put in charge of Ralegh's plan to colonise north America, and took the first settlers to Roanoke. In 1591 he took command of the queen's ship the Revenge on a raiding expedition to the Azores, but died from wounds received fighting fifteen Spanish ships for ...

  3. 15 de jun. de 2020 · World History Encyclopedia, 15 Jun 2020. Web. 01 Jul 2024. A c. 1571 CE portrait of Sir Richard Grenville (1542-1591 CE), an Elizabethan sailor and adventurer. (National Portrait Gallery, London)

  4. 21 de feb. de 2013 · Sir Richard Grenville (1542-1591), English sea captain and explorer, became a legendary figure in the resistance to the Spanish Armada, dying as a result of wounds sustained at the helm of the galleon Revenge in the Battle of Flores: a fight in which he struggled against overwhelming odds.

  5. Page 48 - All the powder of the Revenge to the last barrel was now spent, all her pikes broken, forty of her best men slain, and the most part of the rest hurt. In the beginning of the fight she had but one hundred free from sickness, and fourscore and ten sick, laid in hold upon the ballast. Appears in 112 books from 1868-2007.

  6. Sir Richard Grenville (26 de junio de 1600 - 21 de octubre de 1659) fue un soldado profesional de Cornualles que sirvió en la Guerra de los Treinta Años y en las Guerras de los Tres Reinos de 1638 a 1651. Era el hermano menor de Sir Bevil Grenville, quien murió en Lansdowne en 1643, y nieto del almirante Sir Richard, asesinado en Flores en 1591.

  7. 28 de jun. de 2024 · The Battle of Flores, fought August 30–31, 1591, between Spain and England off Flores Island in the Azores, was a Spanish victory, showing the resurgence of Spain’s naval power after the debacle of the 1588 armada. For the English, the heroic fight put up by Richard Grenville ’s Revenge became a national legend, commemorated in Tennyson ...