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  1. Andrew Bonar Law (16. září 1858 – 30. října 1923) byl britský státník, člen Konzervativní strany a premiér. Narodil se v britské kolonii Nový Brunšvik a je jediným britským premiérem, který se narodil mimo území britských ostrovů .

  2. 31 de mar. de 2023 · Andrew Bonar Law. Andrew Bonar Law was famously known as the Unknown Prime Minister. He was the shortest serving Prime Minister of the 20 th century with only 209 days in office from 23 October 1922 to 19 May 1923. He had to resign after 6 months in office due to serious health issues and died soon after.

  3. Andrew Bonar Law (født 16. september 1858, død 30. oktober 1923) var britisk premierminister i 211 dage. Han er som den eneste premierminister i Storbritannien født uden for de britiske øer: i New Brunswick i Canada som søn af en presbyteriansk gejstlig af skotsk slægt.

  4. ANDREW BONAR LAW Mr Bonar Law's breakdown I is a great misfortune, not less to his political opponents than to his own supporters. Weshall not easily find another leader of the Conservative Party who is so unprejudiced. Mr Bonar Law has been, before everything, a party man, deeply concerned for his party, obedient to its instincts, and

  5. › collections › getrecordThe Bonar Law Papers

    Four series contain miscellaneous personal papers including some photographs, domestic account books, the children's school reports and one bundle of papers relating to the administration of Bonar Law's estate, 1924-1930. Finally, there is one series of correspondence and papers relating to his Rectorship of the University of Glasgow, 1914-1922.

  6. Andrew Bonar Law. Andrew Bonar Law (ur. 16 września 1858 w Kingston w Nowym Brunszwiku, zm. 30 października 1923 w Londynie) – premier Wielkiej Brytanii w latach 1922–1923. Law, z pochodzenia Kanadyjczyk, został premierem z ramienia Partii Konserwatywnej, lecz zły stan zdrowia zmusił go do złożenia urzędu.

  7. Andrew Bonar Law was born in Canada. He moved to Scotland with his aunt, Janet Kidston, in 1870 to enable her family to oversee his education. In 1883 he joined William Jacks and Co, iron merchants and alongside his successful business career was a member of essay and debating societies, played golf and chess, and founded a tennis club.