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  1. 27 de jun. de 2024 · Louis-Gabriel Suchet (Lyon, 02/03/1770 – Marsella, 03/01/1826). Hijo de un fabricante de seda lionés, Suchet se había propuesto en un principio seguir los negocios de su padre; pero, habiendo servido en 1792 como voluntario en la caballería de la guardia nacional, manifestó unas aptitudes militares que le aseguraron un rápido ...

  2. Hace 6 días · Louis-Gabriel Suchet's III Corps was defeated at Alcañiz by Blake on 23 May, losing 2,000 men. Suchet retaliated at María on 15 June, crushing Blake's right wing and inflicting 5,000 casualties. Three days later, Blake lost 2,000 more men to Suchet at Belchite. Saint-Cyr was relieved of his command in September for deserting his troops.

  3. 10 de jun. de 2024 · French Marshall Louis-Gabriel Suchet was widely considered the most successful Napoleonic general at having pacified and held areas of Spain 1808-1814. His army consisted of about 55,000 regular and reserve troop.

  4. 23 de jun. de 2024 · Louis-Gabriel Suchet. It is suprising that Napolean choose not to use Suchet more productively during the Hundred Days Campaign. He may well have made a better Wing Commander than Grouchy...

  5. 5 de jun. de 2024 · Louis-Gabriel Suchet, duc d’Albuféra, was a French Marshal of the Empire and one of the most successful commanders of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. He is regarded as one of the greatest generals of the Napoleonic Wars.

  6. 29 de jun. de 2024 · The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of conflicts fought between the First French Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte (1804–1815) and a fluctuating array of European coalitions.

  7. 30 de jun. de 2024 · One of the most prominent figures is General Louis-Gabriel Suchet, a Marshal of France during the Napoleonic Wars. Born in 1770, General Suchet was known for his military prowess and played a significant role in Napoleon’s campaigns, earning admiration and respect.