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  1. BORDEN, sir ROBERT LAIRD, avocat et homme politique, né le 26 juin 1854 à Grand-Pré, Nouvelle-Écosse, premier enfant d’Andrew Borden et d’Eunice Jane Laird ; le 25 septembre 1889, il épousa à Halifax Laura Bond (décédée le 8 septembre 1940), et ils n’eurent pas d’enfants ; décédé le 10 juin 1937 à Ottawa. Richard Borden ...

  2. When Sir Robert Laird Borden succeeded Sir Edward Wentworth Beatty as Chancellor of Queen's in 1924, he was one of the most well known men in Canada. He had served as Prime Minister from 1911-1920, leading Canada through WWI and helping the young nation take important steps to independence from Britain. Born on June 26, 1854 in Grand Pre, Nova ...

  3. 21 de feb. de 2008 · Sir Robert Laird Borden, avocat, politicien, premier ministre du Canada de 1911 à 1920 (né le 26 juin 1854 à Grand Pré, en Nouvelle-Écosse; décédé le 10 juin 1937 à Ottawa, en Ontario). Avec un jeune Winston Churchill (avec la permission des Bibliothèque et Archives Canada/C-2082). Né en Nouvelle-Écosse, Borden entre au Parlement ...

  4. Robert Borden co-created the George Lopez TV series with series star George Lopez and Bruce Helford, and also served as an executive producer, and also wrote eight episodes. Robert is also noted for his role as a writer, and producer on The Drew Carey Show. In addition th his work on GL and TDCS, Robert has also written and or produced episodes for NBC-TV's Outsourced, CBS's The Late Show with ...

  5. Sir Robert Borden. Le Premier ministre sir Robert Borden harangue les troupes au cours d'une visite au camp de Seaford le 11 août 1918. Borden était d'avis que le sacrifice des soldats canadiens au front obligerait la Grande-Bretagne à négocier avec le Canada après la guerre pour lui consentir une totale souveraineté.

  6. Sir Robert Borden (1854-1937) served as Canada's wartime Prime Minister from 1911-20. Born on 26 June 1854 in Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, Borden gave up his studies at age 14 to become assistant master in classical studies at the school in which he was attending. Teaching classics and mathematics in New Jersey in 1873 he returned the following year ...

  7. Sir Robert Borden. 1854-1937 Borden was prime minister between 1911 and 1920 and successfully garnered international recognition of Canada as an autonomous dominion.He formed a Union Government to lead Canada during the final difficult years of the First World War and he visited the war fronts several times.