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  1. Kurt von Schleicher. (© Bundesarchiv, Bild 136-B0228 / Foto: Tellgmann) 1882-1934. German officer, last rank: General of the Infantry. Chancellor from 1932 to 1933. A project of Weimarer Republik e.V., with generous support from.

  2. Kurt von Schleicher nació en Brandeburgo, el 4 de abril de 1882. Inició su vida militar desde muy joven siguiendo una larga tradición familiar, en sus años de estudiante sobresalió por su aguda inteligencia y por la sólida amistad que trabó con Oskar von Hindenburg, hijo del general Paul von Hindenburg y con Wilhelm Groener, instructor de la Academia de Guerra.

  3. Kurt von Schleicher will play an important role in Germany’s new content, and while other parties and entire coalitions may have paths themselves, he has his own path all by himself. It’s a testament both to his importance and just how much of an interesting figure he was, both in our timeline and in Kaiserreich.

  4. Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher (7 April 1882 ; Brandenburg an der Havel - 30 June 1934 ; Babelsburg) was chancellor of Germany in the last days of the Weimar Republic, before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor and Führer ( dictator ). He was also earlier known for being a general during World War I, [1] under Paul von Hindenburg ...

  5. Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher, có thể gọi ngắn gọn là Kurt von Schleicher (ngày 7 tháng 4 năm 1882 đến ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 1934) là một vị tướng Đức và là vị Thủ tướng thứ hai của Đức trong thời kỳ Cộng hoà Weimar. Một nhà hoạt động quan trọng trong nỗ lực ...

  6. Kurt von. Schleicher. Général et homme politique allemand (Brandebourg 1882-Neubabelsberg, aujourd'hui rattaché à Potsdam, 1934). Secrétaire général du ministre de la Guerre Groener (1929), il se lia avec les SA et les SS. Avec l'accord des nazis, il fit désigner von Papen comme chancelier et devint lui-même ministre de la Reichswehr.

  7. 5 de ago. de 2022 · Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher wurde am 7. April 1882 in Brandenburg an der Havel geboren. Seine Eltern waren der Offizier Hermann Friedrich Ferdinand von Schleicher (1853 – 1906) und dessen Ehefrau Magdalene (1857 – 1939, geborene Heyn). Kurt wollte in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters treten, wobei die meisten Männer im ...