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  1. lord federico fitzclarence. teniente general. david carnegie. conde de southesk. lady alexandra etherington. james carnegie. duque de fife. princesa maud de fife. condesa consorte de southesk. alejandro guillermo duff. duque de fife. lady agnes hay. condesa consorte de fife. isabel fitzclarence. condesa consorte de erroll. julio (30)

  2. FitzClarence committed suicide at the age of 48 in London. He shot himself with a pistol presented to him by King George IV , then Prince of Wales. The first shot only wounded his hand; while his footman went for help, having been told there had been an accident, Lord Munster put the gun in his mouth with his left hand and shot himself in the head. [9]

  3. Hon Lionel Frederick Archibald FitzClarence. Born 24 Jul 1857 in England. Ancestors. Son of William FitzClarence and Wilhelmina (Kennedy-Erskine) FitzClarence. Brother of Edward FitzClarence, Geoffrey George Gordon FitzClarence, Arthur Falkland Manners FitzClarence, Aubrey FitzClarence, William George FitzClarence, Harold Edward FitzClarence ...

  4. Jorge FitzClarence. Nació el 29 de enero de 1794. Hijo ilegítimo del Rey Guillermo IV del Reino Unido y de su amante, Dorothy Jordan. Fue creado Conde de Munster, 1er Vizconde FitzClarence y 1er Barón Tewkesbury en el condado de Gloucester, el 04 de junio de 1831. En 1833 se convirtió en consejero privado. Obtuvo el grado de Mayor General.

  5. Fitzclarence and his younger brother Henry, who died in India, were thus transferred to the since disbanded 24th light dragoons, then in India, where George became aide-de-camp to the Marquis of Hastings, governor-general and commander-in-chief, in which capacity he made the campaigns of 1816-17 against the Mahrattas.

  6. Born in London, England on 1 Feb 1826 to George FitzClarence and Mary WYNDHAM. Frederick Charles George FitzClarence-Hunloke married Adelaide Augusta Wilhelmina Sidney and had 1 child . He passed away on 17 Dec 1878 in Kensington, London, England .

  7. lord federico fitzclarence. teniente general. david carnegie. conde de southesk. lady alexandra etherington. james carnegie. duque de fife. princesa maud de fife. condesa consorte de southesk. alejandro guillermo duff. duque de fife. lady agnes hay. condesa consorte de fife. isabel fitzclarence. condesa consorte de erroll. julio (30)