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  1. A cikk tárgya: Guido von Starhemberg osztrák császári tábornagy, az Udvari Haditanács alelnöke, végigharcolta Bécs 1683-as védelmétől Buda 1686-os ostromán át, a Rákóczi-felkelésig és a spanyol örökösödési háborúig az összes török- és franciaellenes háborút. A cikk témája: Történelem: Középkor és újkor ...

  2. Guido von Starhemberg (1657. – 1737.), član austrijske plemićke obitelji koja je izrodila mnoge zapažene i utjecajne ljude na bečkom dvoru. Guido je, u službi Karla Lotarinškog, sudjelovao u borbama protiv Turaka na Dunavu, gdje je vojvoda pokušavao zaustaviti nadiranje Turaka prema Beču .

  3. Guido Wald Rüdiger, count of Starhemberg (11 November 1657 – 7 March 1737) was an Austrian military officer (commander-in-chief) and by birth member of the House of Starhemberg. He was a cousin of Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (1638–1701), the famous commander of Vienna during the Turkish siege of 1683, and acted as his aide-de-camp during that siege.

  4. Guido Wald Rüdiger, count of Starhemberg; (Graz, 1657 – Vienna, 7 March 1737) was an Austrian military officer. He was a cousin of Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (1638-1701), the famous commander of Vienna during the Turkish siege of 1683, and acted as his ADC during the siege. Guido followed his cousin, and later Prince Eugene of Savoy, in battles against the Turks. In the War of the ...

  5. Egy másik Starhemberg-fiú, Erasmus (1493–1560) [1] a város védőinek soraiban harcolt. Heinrich Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg 1638-ban Grazban született. Édesapja Konrad Balthasar von Starhemberg gróf (1612–1687) volt, [2] [3] aki a harmincéves háború során az 1634 -es nördlingeni csatában harcolva megsebesült, ezért III.

  6. Order of the Golden Fleece. Count Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (12 January 1638 – 4 January 1701) was military governor of Vienna from 1680, the city's defender during the Battle of Vienna in 1683, Imperial general during the Great Turkish War, and President of the Hofkriegsrat. By birth, he was a member of the House of Starhemberg .

  7. Guido Wald Rüdiger, conde de Starhemberg (Graz, 1657 - Viena, 1737), fue un oficial y militar austriaco. Era primo de Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (1638-1701), jefe de las tropas austriacas durante el asedio turco a Viena en 1683.