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  1. The Ancestry of Johann Friedrich Struensee (1737-1772) by William Addams Reitwiesner. Christian VII ascended the Danish Throne on 14 January 1766, and on 8 November 1766 he married, at Christiansborg Castle in Copenhagen, his first cousin, Princess Caroline Mathilde of Great Britain, sister of King George III.

  2. 28 de abr. de 2009 · 1772: Johann Friedrich Struensee, the doctor who ran Denmark. The 1700s were a time of radical reform, and as the Enlightenment reached the shores of Denmark, it suddenly became possible to be a professed atheist and not lose your head. That is, of course, as long as you didn’t also try to usurp the crown, undermine the aristocracy, and ...

  3. Johann Friedrich Struensee. Johann Friedrich Struensee e 1824. Johann Friedrich, kont Struensee ( Halle, 5 a viz Eost 1737 – Kopenhagen, 28 a viz Ebrel 1772 ), a oa ur mezeg hag ur politiker danat a orin alaman. Anvet e oa bet da vezeg ar roue Christian VII a oa o treiñ da foll. Da guzulier-Stad e voe anvet ivez, ha klask a reas diskar ...

  4. Contele Johann Friedrich Struensee ( 5 august 1737 – 28 aprilie 1772) a fost medic german. A devenit medicul regal al regelui bolnav mintal Christian al VII-lea al Danemarcei și ministru în guvernul danez. Puterea lui a crescut până într-o poziție "de facto" de regent al țării, când a încercat să realizeze reforme pe scară largă.

  5. 21 de may. de 2018 · Johann Friedrich Struensee [1] (yō´hän frē´drĬkh shtrōō´ənzā, strōō´–), 1737–72, Danish politician, b. Germany. As physician to Christian VII [2] he gained complete mastery over the insane king and became the favorite of the young queen, Caroline Matilda.

  6. Johann Friedrich Struensee. Danish-German administrator and political philosopher, born at Halle in 1731. His father, subsequently superintendent-general of Schleswig-Holstein, was a rigid pietist; but young Struensee, who settled down in the 1760s as a doctor at Altona, where his superior intelligence and elegant manners soon made him ...

    • August 5, 1737
    • April 28, 1772
  7. El conde Johann Friedrich Struensee ( Halle, 5 de agosto de 1737- Copenhague, 28 de abril de 1772) fue un médico alemán y ministro de Dinamarca. Fue médico real del rey Cristián VII de Dinamarca, que sufría problemas mentales, y fue ministro del gobierno de Dinamarca. Ascendió a posiciones de poder llegando a ser el regente de facto del ...