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  1. 13 de sept. de 2018 · Rusudan's husband Ghias ad-din was a Seljuk Turk, the son of Tughril Shah, the Emir of Erzurum, a son of Kilij Arslan II, Sultan of Rum (Rome) from 1156 to 1192. Which means that the Seljuk Dynasty survived in the Christian Georgian descendants of Rusudan and Ghias ad-din for centuries after the last known Seljuk ruler.

  2. › wiki › David_VIDavid VI - Wikipedia

    The son of Queen Rusudan by her Seljuk husband, Ghias ad-din, David was crowned at Kutaisi, as joint sovereign by his mother in 1230. Fearing that her nephew David would claim the throne at her death, Rusudan held the latter prisoner at the court of her son-in-law, the Seljuk sultan Kaykhusraw II , and in 1243 sent her son David to the Mongol court of Batu Khan in Karakorum to get official ...

  3. Gürcü Hatun era fiica reginei Rusudan a Georgiei și a prințului Seljuk Ghias ad-din, un nepot al lui Kilij Arslan al II-lea. Este sora regelui David al VI-lea al Georgiei. La fel ca majoritatea georgienilor, Tamara și-a păstrat inițial religia creștin ortodoxă răsăriteană, dar se știe că s-a convertit la islam la un moment ulterior.

  4. Ghiyas-ud-din Balban, the Sultan of Delhi from 1266 to 1287 AD, was one of the most powerful Sultans of the Middle Ages. He rose to power, like his master Iltutmish, and became the Sultan of Delhi. Balban was a member of Iltutmish's famed group of 40 Turkic slaves. After

  5. Tamara 2 3 4 o Tamar 5 6 (en georgiano თამარი [ Tamari ]; c. 1160-18 de enero de 1213) fue reina de Georgia de 1184 hasta su muerte, período en el que la Edad de Oro de Georgia (siglos XI y XIII) alcanzó su apogeo. 7 8 Miembro de la dinastía de los Bagrátidas, su posición como la primera mujer en gobernar Georgia por derecho ...

  6. El rey se dirigió entonces a Bagaran, Armenia, para asegurar el matrimonio de su hermana con el Shirvanshah (o con el príncipe selyúcida de Rum Ghias ad-Din) y asegurar su sucesión. [3] Jorge Lasha quedaría inválido y moriría prematuramente en Bagaran a los 31 años de edad, en 1223, siendo sucedido por su hermana Rusudán de Georgia .