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  1. Il 19 luglio 1572 Giorgio Vasari venne incaricato dalla Fraternita dei Laici di progettare il Palazzo delle Logge. Il più imponente edificio tardo rinascimentale di Arezzo modificò l’assetto urbanistico di Piazza Grande e ne ridusse le dimensioni. In una parte del palazzo l’architetto progettò un teatro, mentre nell’elegante loggiato ...

  2. Giorgio Vasari ( à Arezzo - à Florence) est un peintre, architecte et écrivain toscan. Son recueil biographique Les Vies des meilleurs peintres, sculpteurs et architectes, particulièrement sa seconde édition de 1568, est considérée comme une des publications fondatrices de l' histoire de l'art . Artiste aux multiples facettes et homme de ...

  3. Las vidas de los más excelentes arquitectos, pintores y escultores italianos [1] (en italiano: Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori) es una obra escrita por el pintor y arquitecto italiano Giorgio Vasari que contiene una serie de biografías de los artistas italianos del siglo XVI.

  4. 15 de nov. de 2021 · Giorgio Vasari es un personaje fundamental del Renacimiento. Nacido en Arezzo, Vasari pasará gran parte de su vida en Florencia, donde compartió tiempo y espacio con grandes artistas como Miguel Ángel. Giorgio Vasari fue también un artista importante de Florencia, donde desempeñó trabajos de arquitectura y pintura para la historia.

  5. Giorgio Vasari was one of the foremost artists of 16th century Italy, renowned not only as a painter, draftsman, and architect, but also as the author of Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, a series of artist biographies that formed the basis for modern art history. Born in Arezzo on July 30, 1511, into a family of ...

  6. Summary of Giorgio di Antonio Vasari. Missing the so-called High Renaissance period of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael by almost a generation, Giorgio di Antonio Vasari emerged around the 1530s as an important link in the development of Italian Renaissance art. He is well respected as a painter and architect, especially in his ...

  7. Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, architect, engineer, writer, and historian, best known for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing, and the basis for biographies of several Renaissance artists, including Leonardo da Vinci.

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