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  1. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Le catholicisme est la religion des chrétiens reconnaissant l’autorité du pape et des évêques en communion avec lui, notamment pour l’établissement de leur doctrine, sa transmission et l’organisation de leur culte. L’Église catholique considère que tout baptisé dans l’Église ...

  2. The Catholic Encyclopedia was published by the Robert Appleton Company (RAC), a publishing company incorporated at New York in February 1905 for the express purpose of publishing the encyclopedia. The five members of the encyclopedia's Editorial Board also served as the directors of the company. In 1912, the company's name was changed to The ...

  3. Portal Iglesia católica. La Iglesia católica es la Iglesia cristiana más numerosa. Se considera a sí misma un «sacramento», un «signo e instrumento de la unión íntima con Dios y de la unidad de todo el género humano», por cuanto ella misma se declara fundada por Cristo. Está compuesta por 24 iglesias sui iuris que se encuentran en ...

  4. Catholic Church by country. The Catholic Church in India is part of the worldwide Catholic Church under the leadership of the Pope. There are over 20 million Catholics in India, [1] representing around 1.55% of the total population, [2] and the Catholic Church is the single largest Christian church in India. [1]

  5. Folk Catholicism can be broadly described as various ethnic expressions and practices of Catholicism intermingled with aspects of folk religion. Practices have varied from place to place and may at times contradict the official doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. [1]

  6. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the Catholic Church: . Catholicism – largest denomination of Christianity.Catholicism encompasses the body of the Catholic faith, its theologies and doctrines, its liturgical, ethical, spiritual, and behavioral characteristics, as well as a religious people as a whole.

  7. カトリシズム(羅: Catholicismus 、英: Catholicism )は、本来はカトリック教会における普遍的(コモンセンス[共通-普遍通念-概念])・同教会の理念・信仰・礼拝・実践であるカトリック(公同(こうどう)、羅: catholicus 、英: Catholic 、蘭: katholiek )を奉じる主義・思想のことである。