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  1. Le Königsberger Klopse sono una deliziosa specialità culinaria della cucina tedesca e consiste in polpette di carne di manzo e maiale finemente macinate, arricchite con cipolla, prezzemolo e spezie e servite nella loro classica salsa. Perfette da servire con purè di patate o contorni come le Bratkartoffeln, le patate saltate.

  2. Recette Boulettes de Königsberg (Königsberger Klopse, Allemagne) : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation

  3. 15 de mar. de 2024 · Original Königsberger Klopse – Zutaten abwandeln. Das Original-Rezept für Königsberger Klopse zeichnet sich vor allem durch die Fleischklöße mit Sardellen und die cremige Soße mit Kapern aus. Doch wie bei fast jedem Rezept ist es auch hier möglich, die Zutaten nach deinem Geschmack zu variieren und auszutauschen.

  4. Königsberger Klopse mit Kartoffeln. 4.7 (11.8K Bewertungen) Kostenlos registrieren. Schwierigkeitsgrad einfach. Arbeitszeit 10 Min. Gesamtzeit 45 Min. Portionen 4 Portionen.

  5. Prepare mincing mass. Sweat the onion and garlic cubes in a colourless pan for 3-4 minutes with a little sunflower oil and allow to cool for a few minutes. Put the minced meat, eggs, lemon grater, chopped anchovy fillets, squeezed out rolls and finely chopped parsley in a bowl. Onion peppered with bay leaf and cloves.

  6. Bring the broth to a boil and then when it boils – add the meatballs. Cook them for about 12 minutes and then remove the meatballs out of the broth using a strainer, carefully. Next, take another pan and melt about 2 tablespoons worth of butter in it. Then add the all-purpose flour to it. The idea is to make a roux.

  7. 30 de ago. de 2023 · Gently simmer to thicken the sauce. Turn off the heat. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ cup of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of sugar, capers, and season with salt, and pepper. Taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings to your liking. Gently transfer the meatballs to the pot with the sauce and reheat over low heat.

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