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  1. Elisabeth Elliot (született Elisabeth Howard) ( Brüsszel, 1926. december 21. – Gloucester, Massachusetts, 2015. június 15.) keresztény író és előadó. Első férje Jim Elliot , akit 1956-ban öltek meg egy missziós útja során az Auca népcsoport területén, Ecuador keleti részén.

  2. Elisabeth Elliot foi uma das mulheres cristãs que mais influenciaram nosso tempo. Seus livros campeões de venda, ensinamentos atemporais e fé encorajadora, tem influenciado crentes e seguidores de Jesus Cristo por todo mundo. Ela usa sua experiência como filha, esposa, mãe, viúva e missionária para levar a mensagem de Cristo para as incontáveis pessoas ao redor do mundo.

  3. Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) was a missionary and a critically acclaimed author and speaker. For over half a century, her life of obedience, timeless teachings, and best-selling books have influenced both believers and seekers of the Christian faith.

  4. 7 de mar. de 2017 · Elisabeth’s Early Years. Elisabeth Elliot was born on December 27, 1926 in Brussels, Belgium, where her parents served as missionaries. Before she was a year old they moved to America to Germantown, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia. Her family grew when they came to America, and Elisabeth gained four younger brothers and one younger sister.

  5. 4 de mar. de 2019 · 原文刊载于福音联盟英文网站: Elisabeth Elliot: ‘Your Suffering Is Never for Nothing’ 。 Elisabeth Elliot (伊丽莎白·艾略特)是一位基督徒作家,演讲家。 他的前夫吉姆·艾略特,在1956年向东厄瓜多尔的瓦欧达尼族传福音的奥卡行动中被土著杀害。

  6. Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) fue una de las escritoras cristianas más intuitivas y populares del siglo pasado. Fue autora de más de 20 libros, entre ellos Pasión y pureza, La sombra del Todopoderoso y Cenizas extrañas. Ella ofreció guía y ánimo a millones de lectores alrededor del mundo.

  7. › resource-library › topic-indexBiography · Elisabeth Elliot

    4 de jul. de 1997 · Date posted: May 6, 2021. Originally published: May 6, 2021. She was Kath to her close friends, Dearie to my father, and always Mother (never Mom) to her six children.... Gateway to Joy.

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