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  1. El ejército de Lee llegó a Pensilvania a mediados de junio y al río Susquehanna el 28 de junio. Por la mañana del 1 de julio, las fuerzas enemigas se enfrentaron en la intersección del pueblo de Gettysburg, en Pensilvania. En un combate feroz, los confederados hicieron retroceder a los federales de los campos del oeste y del norte del ...

  2. The Battle of Gettysburg After his astounding victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville in early May 1863, Robert E. Lee led his Army of Northern Virginia in its second invasion of the North. With his 75,000-man army in high spirits, Lee intended to collect food and supplies from the unspoiled Pennsylvania farm country and take the fighting away from war-ravaged Virginia.

  3. Fact 1#: The battle was fought at Gettysburg because of the area road system—it had nothing to do with shoes. The Town of Gettysburg, population 2,000, was a town on the rise. It boasted three newspapers, two institutes of higher learning, several churches and banks, but no shoe factory or warehouse. The ten roads that led into town are what ...

    • 3 min
  4. Gettysburgin taistelu käytiin 1.–3. heinäkuuta 1863 Yhdysvaltain sisällissodassa. Unionin voittoon päättynyttä taistelua pidetään yleensä sodan käännekohtana.

  5. 25 de feb. de 2018 · Le premier jour de la bataille de Gettysburg se solde ainsi par une victoire confédérée, mais incomplète. Les quelques 25 000 hommes engagés du côté du Nord ont pu se replier en bon ordre grâce à l’action du général Hancock et ont occupé de solides positions au Sud de la ville pour la journée suivante.

  6. 1 de jul. de 2019 · The Union’s eventual victory in the Battle of Gettysburg would give the North a major morale boost and put a definitive end to Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s bold plan to invade the North.

  7. Manuale. La battaglia di Gettysburg (1º-3 luglio 1863) è considerata una delle battaglie più importanti della guerra di secessione americana, conclusa con una netta vittoria delle forze dell' Unione dell' Armata del Potomac, che arrestarono l'offensiva in Pennsylvania dell'esercito confederato dell' Armata della Virginia Settentrionale .