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  1. Hace 2 días · Australien (amtlicher deutscher Name; englisch Commonwealth of Australia, deutsch veraltet Australischer Bund) ist ein Staat auf der Südhalbkugel der Erde, der das Festland des australischen Kontinents, die ihr südlich vorgelagerte Insel Tasmanien, die subantarktische Macquarieinsel mit ihren Nebeninseln und als Außengebiete die pazifische Norfolkinsel, die Kokosinseln, die Weihnachtsinsel ...

  2. Hace 4 días · Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American psychologist, behaviorist, inventor, and social philosopher. He was the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University from 1958 until his retirement in 1974.

  3. Hace 2 días · Indigenous American visual arts include portable arts, such as painting, basketry, textiles, or photography, as well as monumental works, such as architecture, land art, public sculpture, or murals. Some Indigenous art forms coincide with Western art forms; however, some, such as porcupine quillwork or birchbark biting are unique to the Americas.

  4. Hace 2 días · The history of film chronicles the development of a visual art form created using film technologies that began in the late 19th century. The advent of film as an artistic medium is not clearly defined. There were earlier cinematographic screenings by others, however, the commercial, public screening of ten Lumière brothers ' short films in ...

  5. Hace 1 día · The Most Noble Order of the Garter was founded by Edward III of England in 1348. Dates shown are of nomination or installation; coloured rows indicate sovereigns, princes of Wales, medieval ladies, modern royal knights and ladies, and stranger knights and ladies, none of whom counts toward the 24-member limit.

  6. › wiki › CeltsCelts - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · The Urnfield culture was preeminent in central Europe during the late Bronze Age, circa 1200 BC to 700 BC. The spread of iron-working led to the Hallstatt culture (c. 800 to 500 BC) developing out of the Urnfield culture in a wide region north of the Alps.

  7. Hace 2 días · Emigrazione italiana. L' emigrazione italiana è un fenomeno emigratorio su larga scala finalizzato all'espatrio che interessa la popolazione italiana, che ha riguardato dapprima l' Italia settentrionale e poi, dopo il 1880, anche il Mezzogiorno d'Italia [1], conoscendo peraltro anche consistenti movimenti interni, compresi cioè all'interno ...