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  1. Dorothea Friederike of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1676-1731) Without logging in it is only possible to see persons who already died. Register an account or log in to see more persons. As a member you can find cousins who are already members and learn how you are related to any person.

  2. Dorothea Friederike of Brandenburg-Ansbach -Birth. 12 August ... 13 March, 1731. Hanau, Germany. Horoscope. Leo. Other Names. Dorothea Frederika van Brandenburg ...

  3. Dorotea Frederica de Brandenburg-Ansbach. Dorotea Frederica de Brandenburg-Ansbach (en alemany Dorothea Friederike von Brandenburg-Ansbach) va néixer a Ansbach ( Alemanya) el 12 d'agost de 1676 i va morir a Hanau el 13 de març de 1731. Era la filla de Joan Frederic ( 1654 - 1686) i de la princesa Joana Elisabet de Baden-Durlach ( 1651 - 1680 ).

  4. Margravine Dorothea Friederike of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1676 – 1731), married Johann Reinhard III of Hanau-Lichtenberg, had issue; Margrave Georg Friedrich of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1678 – 1703), died unmarried, killed in battle; Margravine Charlotte Sophie of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1679 – 1680), died in infancy

  5. Dorothea Frederika van Brandenburg-Ansbach . İLGİLİ BİYOGRAFİLER. Gelinim Mutfakta Yarışmacıları Biyografi

  6. Charles Frederick Augustus (7 April 1733 – 9 May 1737) Charles Alexander, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (24 February 1736 – 5 January 1806) He also had four children with his mistress Elisabeth Wünsch, a falconer 's daughter. Both illegitimate sons, Friedrich Karl (1734–1796) and Friedrich Ferdinand Ludwig (1748–1811), and daughters ...

  7. Leben. Dorothea Charlotte war eine Tochter des Markgrafen Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach (1620–1667) aus dessen zweiter Ehe mit Sophie Margarete (1634–1664), Tochter des Grafen Joachim Ernst zu Oettingen-Oettingen. Am 1. Dezember 1687 heiratete sie in Darmstadt den Landgrafen Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt.