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  1. Nihon University 的最新排名. 31 7月, 2023: Webometrics公布了 WRWU世界大学排名 的最新结果,其中 Nihon University 位列第 984。 22 7月, 2023: Nihon University在最新的 Urap URAP 大学学术表现排名 - 按学科 (Business) 中位列第 849。

  2. Nihon University (日本大学, Nihon Daigaku), abbreviated as Nichidai (日大), is a private research university in Japan. Its predecessor, Nihon Law School (currently the Department of Law), was founded by Yamada Akiyoshi, the Minister of Justice, in 1889. It is one of Japan's leading private universities. The university's name is derived from the Japanese word "Nihon" meaning Japan. The ...

  3. 日本大学公式サイト:「自主創造 - 日本大学 Nihon University - あなたとともに100万人の仲間とともに」~ 日本大学は、日本一教育力のある総合大学を目指し、それぞれが学ぶ領域や活動体験を生かして「自主創造」の気風に満ちた人材の育成に力を入れています。

  4. 日本大学文理学部は、「文」と「理」の融合を特色とした教育と研究を行っています。人文系・社会系・理学系の3系統18学科の複合学部のメリットを活かし、総合的・学際的な教育を基礎として、教養教育と専門教育を有機的に結びつける教育を実現しています。

  5. 23 de mar. de 2023 · The University of Tokyo was the first national university in Japan when it was established in 1877. It provides courses across the academic spectrum and has 10 faculties, 15 graduate schools, 11 affiliated research institutes (including the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology), 13 university-wide centres, three main libraries and three institutes for advanced study.

  6. Historique. L'université Nihon est fondée en 1889 par le ministre de la Justice Yamada Akiyoshi ( japonais : 山田顕義 ). Elle est maintenant la plus grande université du Japon et alimente le pays en classes moyennes. Avec plus de 100 000 étudiants a la fin des années 1960, elle est surnommée l'université mammouth.

  7. › admission_info › uploadsNihon University

    receive scholarships from Nihon University after screening at the university, as well as scholarships from various organizations in Japan. At this time, nearly 3.6% of the international students at Nihon University are receiving the Universityʼs allocated scholarships (fiscal 2022). Nihon University also offers a tuition reduction program for