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  1. Eleanor was a daughter of Prince Rudolph of Anhalt-Zerbst (1576-1621) from his first marriage to Dorothea Hedwig (1587-1609), daughter of Duke Heinrich Julius of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. She married on 15 February 1632 in Norburg with Duke Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein-Sønderburg-Norburg (1581-1658). She was his second wife.

  2. Anhalt-Zerbst was a district in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is bounded by (from the north and clockwise) the districts Potsdam-Mittelmark ( Brandenburg ) and Wittenberg , the city of Dessau and the districts of Köthen , Schönebeck and Jerichower Land .

  3. Eleanor was a daughter of Prince Rudolph of Anhalt-Zerbst (1576-1621) from his first marriage to Dorothea Hedwig (1587-1609), daughter of Duke Heinrich Julius of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. She married on 15 February 1632 in Norburg with Duke Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein-Sønderburg-Norburg (1581-1658). She was his second wife.

  4. Eleanor was a daughter of Prince Rudolph of Anhalt-Zerbst (1576-1621) from his first marriage to Dorothea Hedwig (1587-1609), daughter of Duke Heinrich Julius of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. She married on 15 February 1632 in Norburg with Duke Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein-Sønderburg-Norburg (1581-1658). She was his second wife.

  5. Rudolph of Anhalt-Zerbst (Harzgerode, 28 October 1576 – Zerbst, 30 July 1621), was a German prince of the House of Ascania and ruler of the unified Principality of Anhalt. From 1603, he was ruler of the principality of Anhalt-Zerbst. Rudolph was the fifth son of Joachim Ernest, Prince of Anhalt, but third-born son by his second wife Eleonore, daughter of Christoph, Duke of Württemberg.

  6. Елизабета Кристина од Брауншвајг-Волфенбитела (нем. Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel) је била супруга цара Карла VI и мајка аустријске царице Марије Терезије, као и њене млађе сестре Марије Ане Аустријске.