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  1. Back to Leaders (Civ6) "Allow neither the wealth of the nobles nor the poverty of the masses to hinder your work." Tamar (c. 1160 – 18 January 1213), commonly known as Tamar the Great, was queen of Georgia from 1184 until her death. Her reign is considered the zenith of the Georgian Golden Age, a period of significant political and military successes and great cultural and literary ...

  2. Tamara Bagration (in georgiano თამარ მეფე?; Mtskheta, 1160 – 1212) fu regina di Georgia dal 1184 fino alla sua morte. Figlia primogenita del re georgiano Giorgio III (1156-1184) e di sua moglie Gurandukht, governò durante quella che è generalmente considerata l'"età dell'oro" della Georgia, guadagnandosi la reputazione di eccellente sovrana, tanto che fu ribattezzata "re ...

  3. In Georgia: Medieval Georgia …the reign (1184–1213) of Queen Tamar, whose realm stretched from Azerbaijan to the borders of Cherkessia (now in southern Russia) and from Erzurum (in modern Turkey) to Ganja (modern Gäncä, Azerbaijan), forming a pan-Caucasian empire, with Shirvan and Trabzon as vassals and allies.

  4. Tamar van Georgië. Tamar van Georgië ( Georgisch: თამარი, Tamari) (c. 1160 – 18 januari 1213 ), was heerseres (koningin) over Georgië gedurende de zogenoemde Georgische Gouden Eeuw, die duurde tussen ongeveer 1100 en 1225. Gedurende haar regering beleefde het Georgische rijk zijn hoogtepunt, zowel politiek als cultureel.

  5. La Orden de la Reina Tamara (o Tamar) fue en el momento de su fundación, una condecoración militar y civil de la República Democrática de Georgia, creada para los miembros de la Legión Georgiana (1914-1918) y para los combatientes y ayudantes en la Expedición Alemana del Cáucaso, que luchó en Georgia después del 4 de noviembre de 1918. 1 .

  6. Talents: Queen Tamar of Georgia ruled as the first female leader in Georgia’s history from 1180-1213, and was notably assigned the title of “mepe” in the medieval Georgian sources which emphasized her right to reign. Tamar initially ruled alongside her father, George III, for a period, but ascended to the position of sole monarch upon his ...

  7. Tamar (XI y XIII) Reina de Georgia. Tamara o Tamar (c. 1160-18 de enero de 1213) Reina de Georgia de 1184 hasta su muerte, período en el que la Edad de Oro de Georgia (siglos XI y XIII) alcanzó su apogeo. Miembro de la dinastía de los Bagrátidas, su posición como la primera mujer en gobernar Georgia por derecho propio era enfatizada con el ...