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  1. 16 de ago. de 2020 · Rembrandt, Ecce Homo. ‘Ecce Homo’, the Latin title of this painting, is taken from the Bible, and means ‘Behold the man!’. These were the words of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, when he was sitting as the judge during the trial of Christ. Pilate, here shown wearing a turban and rising to his feet, is presenting Christ to ...

  2. Поријекло изреке. Према Јеванђељу по Јовану ове ријечи упутио је Понтије Пилат окупљеним Јеврејима показујући им бичеваног Исуса, с трновим вијенцем на глави (један од најчешћих мотива хришћанске иконографије).

  3. Ecce Homo. 1546 - 1547. Oil on slate. Although we do not know when Titian first treated this subject, it was probably in 1535, when he painted a Christ for Federico Gonzaga following a model provided by the duke. The earliest surviving Ecce Homo is the one he did for Charles V and in which one detects his attempt to distance himself from the ...

  4. Ecce Homo. The Ecce Homo ( Latin: " Behold the Man") in the Sanctuary of Mercy church in Borja, Spain, is a fresco painted circa 1930 by the Spanish painter Elías García Martínez depicting Jesus crowned with thorns. Both the subject and style are typical of traditional Catholic art.

  5. Ecce homo. Munkácsy Mihály: Ecce homo! (olaj, vászon, 1896), Déri Múzeum. Az ecce homo latin kifejezés (jelentése: Íme az ember! [1] ), mely János evangéliumából (19,5) származik. János evangélista szerint Pilátus ezekkel a szavakkal mutatott a tövissel koronázott, bíborszínű köpenybe öltöztetett Jézusra. Ma a tágabb ...

  6. 19 de ago. de 2022 · El 'Ecce Homo' de Borja, en Zaragoza, pintado por Cecilia Giménez, cumple 10 años desde su restauración y sigue recibiendo a miles de turistas

  7. 2023 © Elisabeth Ohlson. 2023 © Elisabeth Ohlson – skapad med K av

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