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  1. Though the Black Mountain poets never labeled themselves or self-identified as a school of poetry, they are a group of interconnected poets, many of whom were connected together through Black Mountain College: an experimental, arts-centered university in North Carolina in operation from 1933 to 1957. Some Black Mountain poets, such as Robert ...

  2. Read about our newly launched undergraduate degree 'BA (Hons) Sustainable Futures: Arts, Ecology and Systems Change', and apply now. We all know the world needs to change. New ways of thinking and working begin with education. Study at Black Mountains College. Join us for short courses, vocational training in future skills and the BMC Degree.

  3. View PDF. Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art Vincent Katz. MIT Press, 2003. 352 pages, $75 (hardcover). One of the supreme experiments in American education, Black Mountain College (1933-1956), has become legendary for the creative minds in science and literature that taught and studied there; but there has never been, until now, a major ...

  4. Le Black Mountain College fut une université libre expérimentale, fondée en 1933 près d' Asheville en Caroline du Nord, aux États-Unis. Plate-forme pour les pratiques artistiques d'avant-garde, elle a considérablement marqué l'histoire de l'art du XXe siècle. Elle cessa son activité en 1957.

  5. Black Mountain College. Black Mountain College, a school founded in 1933 in Black Mountain, North Carolina (near Asheville, North Carolina), was a new kind of college in the United States in which the study of art was seen to be central to a liberal arts education, and in which John Dewey's principles of education played a major role.

  6. O Black Mountain College foi uma instituição estadunidense de ensino superior focada sobretudo no ensino das artes, tendo sido influenciado também pelas propostas pedagógicas de John Dewey. Foi fundada em 1933 em uma localidade próxima a Asheville, no estado da Carolina do Norte. A escola foi fechada em 1957, mas durante o seu período de ...

  7. Le Black Mountain College ouvrit ses portes à l'automne de 1933, sur la base non pas exactement d'un programme, mais d'une plate-forme assez vague : Rice concevait l'éducation comme une sorte de work in progress, et répugnait à lui assigner des objectifs quantifiables dans un cadre rigide. Les premiers effectifs furent logiquement recrutés ...