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  1. Falling in Love Again est un film réalisé par Steven Paul avec Kaye Ballard, Twink Caplan. Synopsis : Harry et Sue Lewis se sont rencontrés adolescents, dans le Bronx des années 40; il voulait ...

  2. The film also features Michelle Pfeiffer in an early role playing a younger version of Susannah York's character. (en) Falling in Love Again est un film américain réalisé par (en) en 1980. (fr) Ricominciare ad amarsi ancora (Falling in Love Again) è un film del 1980 diretto da . (it) Пропадаючи від любові (англ.

  3. Harry and Sue Lewis met in the 40s as teenagers living in the Bronx. He was an aspiring architect, she was the most beautiful girl in school, and both had a fondness for bran muffins. They fell in love, got married, moved to Los Angeles, and had two kids. While struggling with his midlife crisis, Harry receives an invitation for his high school ...

  4. Volver al amor es una película dirigida por Steven Paul con Kaye ... Título original Falling in Love Again puntuar : 0.5. 1. 1.5. 2. 2.5. 3. 3.5. ... Año de producción 1980. Tipo de película ...

  5. Falling in love again, un film de Steven Paul de 1980. Harry and Sue Lewis met in the 40s as teenagers living in the Bronx. He was an aspiring architect, she was the most beautiful girl in school, and both had a fondness for bran muffins.

  6. Filter by Rating: 7/10. A Strong Reason for Not to Separate from Your Spouse. CihanVercan 9 September 2008. An architect misses his childhood years. So he packs up his family -his wife and children- and heads where he grew up: Bronx, NYC. His memories from the old times begins to revive.

  7. Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution . modifier Falling in Love Again est un film américain réalisé par Steven Paul (en) en 1980 . Synopsis [modifier | modifier le code] Harry (Elliott Gould) et Sue (Susannah York) Lewis se sont rencontrés dans les années 1940 alors qu'ils étaient adolescents dans le Bronx. Il commençait des études d'architecte, elle était la ...