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  1. În 1577 Sofia și frații ei au primit un titlu nobiliar și au dobândit numele de familie Gyllehielm. S-a căsătorit cu logodnica ei la Vadstena la 14 ianuarie 1580 . În 1580 s- a alăturat soțului ei la comanda sa suedeză din Estonia .

  2. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Sofia_Johansdotter_Gyllenhielm" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. Cookie-policy; To contact us: mail to

  3. 25 de ene. de 2022 · During the captivity of Carl Gyllenhielm, an illegitimate son of Duke Charles, in Poland in 1610–13, she gave him much attention. She was given the task to interrogate Gyllenhielm by Sigismund, who listened hidden by a curtain.[2] She accused Charles of conspiracy to entice conflict between Sigismund and John III, something Gyllenhielm denied.[2]

  4. Sofía Gyllenhielm (también conocida como Sofia Johansdotter Gyllenhielm; 1556/59 - Reval, Estonia; junio de 1583) fue una noble sueca, hija ilegítima del rey Juan III de Suecia, entonces Duque de Finlandia, y de la finlandesa Karin Hansdotter. Sofía Gyllenhielm. Información personal. Nombre en sueco.

  5. 10 de sept. de 2023 · On 4 February 1580 De la Gardie married Sofia Johansdotter Gyllenhielm, the illegitimate daughter of John III of Sweden and the Finnish society lady Karin Hansdotter. During the wedding act, a gallery in the church broke and one person was killed. Some sceptics claimed it was a bad omen or a divine act with which God condemned the marriage.

  6. Vasa Zsigmond ( svédül: Sigismund Vasa, lengyelül: Zygmunt Waza, Mariefred, 1566. június 20. – Varsó, 1632. április 30.), a Vasa-házból származó svéd királyi herceg, aki III. Zsigmond néven Svédország királya 1592 és 1599 között, valamint Lengyelország királya és Litvánia nagyfejedelme 1587-től haláláig. Zsigmond III.

  7. Sofia Johansdotter Gyllenhielm Bet 1556 & 1559 - 1583; Julius Gyllenhielm 1560 - 1581; Lucretia Johansdotter Gyllenhielm 1561 - 1585; Spouse and Children . H.